Efektivitas Vaksin Carna-5 (Cucumber Mosaic Virus Associated RNA-5) terhadap Infeksi Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) pada Tanaman Tembakau Cerutu (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

Penyakit Mosaik yang disebabkan oleh Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) menimbulkan kerugian baik produksi maupun kualitas daun tembakau. Pengendalian virus secara kimiawi sampai saat ini belum dapat dilaksanakan, kecuali pengendalian serangga vektornya.  Salah satu alternatifnya adalah penggunaan satelit CMV (Carna-5) sebagai pengendali hayati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas Carna-5 dalam menghambat perkembangan CMV pada tembakau cerutu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat (Balittas) pada bulan Juni–November tahun 2011. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial diulang tiga kali. Perlakuan terdiri atas Faktor I: Cara aplikasi vaksin (A1 : menggunakan kompresor dan sprayer; A2 : menggunakan sprayer otomatis). Faktor II: 6 konsentrasi vaksin , yaitu (1) D1 : Tanpa vaksin tanpa diinokulasi CMV; (2) D2 : Tanpa divaksin + inokulasi CMV; (3) D3 : divaksin dengan Carna-5 10% tanpa inokulasi CMV; (4) D4 : 5 divaksin dengan Carna-5 5% + inokulasi CMV (5) D5 : divaksin dengan Carna-5 10% + inokulasi CMV, dan (6) D6 : divaksin dengan Carna-5 15% + inokulasi CMV. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara aplikasi vaksin Carna-5 tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua parameter pengamatan.  Vaksin Carna-5 tidak mem-pengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman, namun mampu menurunkan tingkat kejadian maupun keparahan penyakit.  Daya hambat tertinggi (64,69%) terhadap perkembangan CMV diperoleh pada perlakuan D6.  Effectiveness of Carna-5 (Cucumber MosaicVirus Associate RNA-5 ) Vaccine on Cucumber Mosaic Virus(CMV) on Cigar Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)Mosaic disease caused by Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) causes losses in tobacco leaf production and quality. Chemical method vaccine to control CMV. The study has been conducted in Field Experimental Station for Phytopathology of  Indonesian Sweetener and Fibre Crops Research Institute from June–November 2011. There were two factors arranged in Factorial Completely randomized with three replicates.  First factor was vaccine aplication method, ie: A1 : Using a compressor and sprayer; A2 : Using an automatic sprayer.  The second factor is six levels of vaccine concentration ie.: (1) D1 : without vaccine + plant was not inoculated by CMV; (2) D2 : without vaccine and plant was inoculated by CMV; (3) D3 : vaccinated with 10% Carna-5 + plant was not inoculated by CMV; (4) D4 : vaccinated with 5% Carna-5 + plant was inoculated by CMV; (5) D5 : vaccinated with 10% Carna-5 + plant was inoculated by CMV; dan (6) D6 : vaccinated with 15% + plant was inoculated by CMV.  Results showed that application methods of Carna-5 did not significantly affect all parameter of observations. Carna-5 did not affect the growth of tobacco plant, but suppressed disease incidence and disease severity caused by CMV.  Concentration of 15% was also gave highest productive leaf. The highest inhibition (64,69%) was caused by vaccine 15 g/100 ml BF.
Carna-5; tembakau cerutu; CMV; cigar tobacco