Pendugaan Parameter dan Elastisitas Penawaran dan Permintaan Beberapa Jenis Daging di Indonesia

EnglishIn recent years, the demands of meats tend to increase from time to time. If there are no special efforts from government, that high demand of meat should be imported. This research will analyze some objective as follows: (1) Factors that influence the demand and supply of meat; (2) The response of demand and supply and their relationship to the influence factors; (3) Supporting alternative to formulate the policies. The data, which is been used in this analysis, were time series data from 1975-1999 period and also supporting by some primary data, which is gathered on the field. By using econometrics approach, Ordinary Least Squares, the results of this analysis give some conclusions such as (1) All variables of meat price give positive sign to supply and negative sign to demand. In common condition supply and demand of meat not responsive to price change, except supply of pork of broiler; (2) The imports of broiler give negative sign to domestic supply; (3) Income give positive sign to demand of meats, but demand of meats not responsive to income changing; (4) Fish was substituted goods to beef, lamb and pork. but broiler was complement goods; (5) To avoiding the high exploitation of cattle population, in short run the government has to import feeder cattle and beef; (6) Efficiency in broiler industry should be increased through integrated with feed industry and designing a conductive competitive climate between broiler industries.IndonesianDiperkirakan permintaan terhadap daging terus meningkat. Jika tidak ada upaya khusus, permintaan tersebut harus dipenuhi melalui impor dan cenderung terus meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis: (1) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan dan penawaran daging; (2) Respon penawaran dan permintaan daging terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya; dan (3) Memberikan masukan dalam perumusan kebijakan. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder deret waktu tahunan: 1975-1999 yang didukung beberapa data primer. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan ekonometrika dengan metode OLS. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan: (1) Semua harga daging berpengaruh positif terhadap penawarannya dan berpengaruh negatif terhadap permintaannya. Umumnya penawaran dan permintaan daging tidak responsif terhadap perubahan harga, kecuali penawaran daging babi dan permintaan daging broiler; (2) lmpor daging broiler sudah berpengaruh negatif terhadap penawaran dalam negeri; (3) Pendapatan berpengaruh positif terhadap permintaan daging, namun permintaan daging tidak responsif terhadap perubahan pendapatan; ( 4) lkan merupakan produk substitusi daging sapi, kambing/domba dan babi, sedangkan daging broiler merupakan produk komplemen; (5) Untuk menghindari pengurasan populasi sapi, dalam jangka pendek dilakukan dengan cara mengimpor sapi bakalan dan daging sapi; (6) Efisiensi industri broiler dapat ditingkatkan melalui integrasi usaha pakan dan unggas serta menciptakan persaingan sehat antar perusahaan besar.