Keragaman Genetik Beberapa Genotipe Teh Berdasarkan Penanda RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)

Informasi keragaman genetik dan ketersediaan plasma nutfah teh (Camellia sinensis) diperlukan dalam perakitan varietas unggul. Keragaman genetik berdasarkan penanda DNA dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih konsisten karena tidak dipengaruhi lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 9 genotipe teh dianalisis keragamannya menggunakan enam penanda RAPD (OPA 03, OPA 05, OPB 04, OPB 06, OPC 06, dan OPD 08). Penelitian dilakukan mulai bulan Maret sampai Mei 2013 di Laboratorium Terpadu Biotrop Bogor. Perhitungan koefisien kesamaan genetik dan analisis gerombol dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak NTSYSpc versi 2.02. Sebanyak 54 lokus penanda RAPD berhasil diamplifikasi menggunakan enam primer dan 47 lokus di antaranya memiliki alel yang polimorfik (87,04%). Hasil analisis gerombol berdasarkan kesamaan genetiknya mengelompokkan 9 genotipe ke dalam enam kelompok. Empat kelompok (I, II, IV, V) masing-masing terdiri atas satu genotipe, sementara dua kelompok yang lain yaitu kelompok III dan VI masing-masing beranggotakan tiga dan dua genotipe.Kata Kunci: Camellia sinensis, diversitas genetik, penanda RAPDThe availability of diverse tea (Camellia sinensis) germplasms as well as the information about their genetic diversity is required for plant breeding program. Genetic diversity analysis based on DNA marker is known to be more effective since the markers provide more consistent results. In this study, nine tea genotypes were evaluated for their genetic diversity using six Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers (OPA 03, OPA 05, OPB 04, OPB 06, OPC 06, and OPD 08). The study was conducted from March to May 2013 in the Integrated Laboratory of Biotrop Bogor. The estimation of genetic similarity and the cluster analysis were done using NTSYSpc version 2.02. Of the six RAPD markers used in this study, a total of 54 RAPD marker loci have been successfully amplified. In which, 47 loci (87.04%) were polymorphic and subsequently used for the evaluation of tea genotypes. The results of cluster analysis showed that those tea genotypes were clustered into six groups. Each of four groups (I, II, IV, V) consisted of only one genotype. Meanwhile, the other two groups (III and VI) had three and two genotypes, respectively.