The Influence of Farmer Ethnic on Perception for Rice Integrated Crops Management in Lampung. Improving production of rice in Lampung was done by implementation of innovation of integrated crop management (ICM). The deployment acceleration by farmers field school (FFS) approach is implemented. The rate of adoption still tends slow. It was suspected because of the perception characteristic of innovations and factors that influence are different among ethnic farmers. The research was conducted to analyze the difference of the perception nature of innovation, and to know the factor that influence the perception nature for ICM innovation by farmers from Lampung ethnic, Java ethnic, and Bali ethnic. The research methods with survey on FFS-ICM of paddies participant was used. The sample total ware 286 farmers. The research was carried out on Juni-September 2013. The locations were in Lampung Tengah, Lampung Selatan and Lampung Barat regency, as representative of Bali ethnic, Java ethnic and Lampung ethnic, respectively. The data analysis was done with the difference variance and model linear regression. The result, indicate that the perception for innovation ICM of learning FFS between Lampung-Java-Bali ethnic were obvious different. Perception for innovation characteristic of Bali ethnic farmer was the highest, and Lampung ethnic farmer was the lowest. The perception for innovation characteristic ICM of paddies significantly influenced by attitudes towards change, the level of courage to risk, the model competence, the state model, the role of farmer groups, ethnic dummi. consideration of the factors influence, it is necessary to empower the role of farmer groups, and optimize the role model of farmers, and public figur to accelerate the deployment and adoption of ICM innovation. Keywords: perception, innovation characteristic, Lampung-Jawa-Bali ethnicProgram peningkatan produksi Padi di Lampung dilakukan dengan implementasi inovasi pengelolaan tanaman terpadu (PTT) padi sawah. Percepatan pemasyarakatannya dengan sekolah lapang (SL). Namun adopsinya masih cenderung berjalan lambat. Hal itu diduga karena adanya perbedaan persepsi atas karakteristik  inovasi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi terhadap karakteristik inovasi PTT. Penelitian ini bertujuan: menganalisis perbedaan persepsi petani atas karakteristik inovasi PTT padi sawah antara etnis Lampung, etnis Jawa dan etnis Bali; dan menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi petani atas karakteristik inovasi PTT padi sawah. Metode penelitian adalah survey pada petani peserta SL-PTT padi sawah sebanyak 286 petani. Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Lampung Barat mewakili petani etnis Lampung, Lampung Selatan mewakili petani etnis Jawa, dan Lampung Tengah mewakili petani etnis Bali. Analisis data berupa analisis perbedaan varians dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi atas karakteristik inovasi oleh petani etnis Lampung, Jawa, Bali berbeda nyata. Petani etnis Bali mempunyai persepsi inovasi paling tinggi sedangkan petani etnis Lampung paling rendah. Persepsi atas karakteristik inovasi keseluruhan etnis petani dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh sikap terhadap perubahan, keberanian untuk berisiko, kompetensi model, status model, dan peran kelompok tani. Untuk mempercepat adopsi bagi petani etnis Lampung perlu pembelajaran inovasi PTT padi sawah yang mudah dipahami sesuai karakteristiknya, melalui pemberdayaan peran kelompok, peran tokoh yang ditiru, dan meningkatkan intensitas penyuluhan. Kata kunci: persepsi, sifat inovasi, etnis Lampung-Jawa-Bali 