Assessment on Utilization of Grain Threshers and Dryer Machine for Lowland Rice in WestJava. The main problem in rice production is high loss (more than 20%) due to limited implementation ofpost harvest technology, especially during rice trashing. The objectives of study are to evaluate the existingperformance and feasibility of thresher and dryer utilization in lowland rice farming system Assessment onthresher and dryer utilization in lowland rice in West Java. The study was conducted from January to December,2008 in the districts of Karawang, Indramayu, Bandung, Cianjur, Ciamis and Garut. The study was conductedthrough two approaches, namely: Participatery Rural Appraisal and survey. Results of the study showedthat: (1) Rental business of thresher and dryer were relatively profitable as indicated by the value of R/Cof greater than one (1.52 for thresher and 1.9 for dryer), pay back period of 2.42 years for thresher and 5,84years for dryer (less than its economic value of 5 years and 7 years, respectively), and break event point of122,2t/year for thresher and 261,52 t/years (less than its capacity of 50 and 300 t/year, respectively); (2) Thekind of thresher which suitable to be developed in West Java was characterized by not heavy so its very easyto operate under various lowland rice conditions, easily maintenance as well as produced by local industry.Key words: Thresher, dryer, performance, feasibility Salah satu masalah penting dalam produksi padi adalah tingkat kehilangan hasil panen yang masih tinggi, sekitar20%, yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh masih terbatasnya penerapan teknologi pada pascapanen, terutama padaperontokan padi. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan bahwa penggunaan pedal thresher dan power thresherdapat menekan kehilangan hasil dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas gabah. Tujuan pengkajian adalah mengevaluasikeragaan dan kelayakan penggunaan thresher dan dryer pada padi sawah di Jawa Barat. Pengkajian dilaksanakanpada Januari sampai Desember 2008 di enam kabupaten, yaitu: Karawang, Indramayu, Bandung, Cianjur, Ciamis,dan Garut, dilaksanakan dengan dua pendekatan, yaitu Pemahaman Pedesaan Secara Partisipatif dan wawancara.Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisa finansial berupa Net Revenue Cost ratio (Net R/C), Titik Impas, dan PayBack Period (PBP). Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa usaha jasa power thresher dan dryer layak diusahakankarena masing-masing memberikan nilai Revenue-Cost Rasio (R/C) 1,52 dan 1,88; nilai Pay Back Period (PBP)2,42 tahun dan 5,84 tahun (lebih rendah dari nilai ekonomisnya yaitu 5 tahun dan 7 tahun), dan Titik Impas 122,2dan 261,5 t/th (lebih rendah dari kapasitasnya yaitu 50 t/th dan 300 t/th). Jenis thresher yang sesuai dikembangkandi Jawa Barat adalah dengan karakteristik yang relatif ringan sehingga mudah melintasi berbagai medan sepertipematang sawah dan petakan kecil, perbaikan dan perawatan mudah, serta mudah diproduksi oleh pengrajin.Kata kunci: Thresher, dryer, keragaan, kelayakan usaha