ABSTRAKUntuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor lingkungan terhadap tingkatserangan serangga hama utama pada pertanaman jambu mete telahdilakukan penelitian di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Pengamatan padatanaman contoh telah dilaksanakan selama musim kemarau dan musimhujan dari bulan Juni 2004 sampai dengan Maret 2005 di dua tempat yangberbeda keadaannya yaitu Desa Tanah Sebang dan Sambik Jengkel.Keduanya terletak di Kecamatan Kayangan, Kabupaten Lombok Barat.Dari masing-masing lokasi diamati 40 tanaman contoh secara acak, 20 daripertanaman monokultur dan 20 dari pola tanam campuran jambu metedengan tanaman lainnya. Variabel yang diamati adalah (a) populasiHelopeltis spp. per tanaman, (b) populasi Sanurus indecora per tanaman,(c) banyaknya pucuk terserang Helopeltis spp., (d) banyaknya pucukterserang S. indecora, (e) banyaknya koloni semut per pohon, (f)persentase telur yang terparasit, (g) suhu, kelembaban dan curah hujanharian, (h) jenis tanaman sela yang menjadi tanaman inang alternatif hama,(i) banyaknya musuh/gulma di sekeliling tanaman, (j) jumlah bungahermaprodit dan buah jadi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intensitasserangan dan populasi Helopeltis spp. dan S. indecora jambu meteberbeda antara musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Pada musim kemarau,hanya sisa-sisa serangan Helopeltis spp. pada pucuk yang kelihatan,populasi tidak ditemukan. Populasi S. indecora selalu ada selama musimkemarau. Pada musim hujan yaitu bulan Januari sampai Maret, pucukmulai muncul, populasi dan serangan Helopeltis spp. mulai kelihatan.Tingkat serangan kedua hama tersebut berbeda antara lokasi Tanah Sebangdan Sambik Jengkel. Di Tanah Sebang, persentase pucuk yang diserang S.indecora (23,1%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pucuk yang diserangHelopeltis (3,8-7,4%), sedang di Sambik Jengkel persentase pucuk yangdiserang Helopeltis spp (43,8-54,6%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan S.indecora (11,5-22,3%). Faktor utama yang memegang peranan adalahtanaman inang alternatif yang berada pada pola tanam campuran, iklimmikro (suhu, kelembaban dan radiasi matahari) serta interaksi antara S.indecora, Helopeltis spp. dan semut predator.Kata kunci : Jambu mete, Anacardium occidentale, faktor lingkungan,Helopeltis spp., Sanurus indecora, populasi, Nusa TenggaraBaratABSTRACTRole of environment factors on the population ofHelopeltis Spp. and Sanurus indecora on cashewplantationAn experiment to find out the effect of environment factors on theattack of insect pests on cashew plantation was carried out in WestLombok District, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The experiment wasconducted in hot and rainy seasons from June 2004 to March 2005 in twolocations : Tanah Sebang and Sambik Jengkel. These were located in thesame district (Kecamatan Kayangan, West Lombok District). In 40 sampleplants were observed : 20 from monoculture and 20 from polyculture(mixed cropping). The variables observed were (a) Helopeltis populationper plant (b) S. indecora population per plant, (c) number of shootsattacked by Helopeltis, (d) number of shoots attacked by. S. indecora, (e)number of ant colonies per plant, (f) percentage of eggs parasitoid, (g)temperature, relative humidity, daily raindrops, (h) type of intercrops asalternative hosts, (i) litters or weeds surrounding the plantation, (j) numberof hermaphrodite flowers and fruits. The research result showed that thepopulation and damage intensity were different between hot and rainyseasons. In dry season, only the symptom of Helopeltis damage was seen.The population S. indecora always existed during the dry season. In therainy season from January to March, shoots started to appear, also thepopulation of Helopeltis. The injury level was different between those twoinsects. At Tanah Sebang the shoots attacked by S. indecora was 23.1%higher than that of Helopeltis (3.8-7.4%), while in Sambik Jengkel, theshoots attacked by Helopeltis was (43.8-54.6%) higher than that of S.indecora (11.5-22.3%). The main factors played roles in the environmentwere alternate hosts, micro climate and interaction between S. indecora,Helopeltis spp. and predator ants.Key words: Cashew, Anacardium occidentale, environment factorsHelopeltis spp., Sanurus indecora, population, West NusaTenggara