Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Instalasi Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat, Karangploso, Malang pada bulan September 1998 sampai dengan Agustus 1999. Tujuan dai penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk dai unsur hara mikro, dolomit dan waktu pembeian terhadap petumbuhan dan hasil serat rami pada tanah gambut Berengbengkel Kalimantan Tengah. Perlakuan disusun secara faklorial dalam ancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor I berupa paket dosis pupuk yang terdii atas lima dosis yaitu d,. 30 g dolomit per pot ; d2. 50 mg CuSO, ♦ 50 mg ZnS04 + 50 mg MnS04 + 30 g dolomit per pot ; dj. : 100 mg CuS04 + 100 mg ZnS04 + 100 mg MnS04 + 30 g dolomit per pot ; <U 50 mg CuS04 + 50 mg ZnS04 + 50 mg MnS04 + 15 g dolomit per pot; dan d, TOO mg CuS04 + 100 mg ZnSO, + 100 mg MnS04 + 15 g dolomit per pot. Faktor II berupa tiga waktu pemberian pupuk mikro yang terdii atas tiga taraf yaitu w, : dibeikan setiap habis di panen (setiap umur 60 hari sekali tanaman rami dipanen , dipotong pada pangkal batang); w2: dibeikan setiap dua kali dipanen ; dan wj: dibeikan setiap tiga kali dipanen. Klon rami yang ditanam adalah Pujon 10. Panjang stek rhizome yang ditanam 8 cm. Tanah gambut, dolomit dan pupuk kandang dicampur secara merata. Pot-pot plastik wana hitam diisi campuran media tersebut dengan takaran sebanyak 20 kg/pot. Pot-pot ini merupkan unit percobaan. Pot-pot diletakan dengan jarak 75 cm x.40 cm. Pupuk dasar (1.5 g urea + 1.0 g ZA + 1.0 g SP-36 + 1.0 g KCI)/pot/panen + 100 g pupuk kandang (kotoran kambingj'pot'tahun Pupuk kandang dan dolomit diberikan hanya sekali saja pada permulaan tanam Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil serat kasar (china-grass) tertinggi diperoleh dari total panenan II, III dan IV sebesar 8.62 g/pot yang dihasilkan dai perlakuan 100 mg CuS04 + 100 mg ZnS04 + 100 mg MnS04 /pot dan 30 g dolomit dengan pembeian pupuk setiap kali dipanen.Kata kunci: Lahan gambut, dolomit, rami (Boehmeria nivea) ABSTRACT Response of ramie to the dose and application of micro element and dolomite in peat soil Central KalimantanThe experiment was conducted at the glass house of Ihe Research Institute For Tobacco and Fiber Crops, Karangploso, Malang from September 1998 to August 1999. The purpose of this expeiment was to ind out the dose of micro element, dolomite and time of application of fertilizer on the growth and iber yield of ramie in peat soil of Berengbengkel, Central Kalimantan Province. The treatment was arranged factoially in a completely randomized design with three replications. The irst factor was ive kind of fetilizers d|. : 30 g dolomite per pot ; di. 50 mg CuS04 + 50 mg ZnS04 + 50 mg MnS04 * 30 g dolomite per pot; dj. : 100 mg CuSO< + 100 mg ZnSO. * 100 mg MnS04 * 30 g dolomite per pot ; <U 50 mg CuS04 + 50 mg ZnS041 50 mg MnS04 + 15 g dolomite per pot; and d5 MOO mg CuS04 ♦ 100 mg ZnS04 * 100 mg MnS04 + 1J g dolomite per pot. The second factor was time of fetilizer application Wj : every harvesting ; w2 : every two times of harvesting , and wj : every three times of harvesting. The rhizome of ramie wilh 8 cm length size was used in this experiment. Black plastic pots were illed with 20 kg peat soil. These pots were the experiment unil. The peat soil, dolomite and farm manure were mixed evenly. The pots were arranged in a space 75 cm x 40 cm Basic fetilizer was 1.5 g urea * 1.0 g ZA + 1.0 g SP-36 • 1.0 g KCI) potliarvcsling ♦ 100 g farm manure pot/year. Dolomite and farm manure were applied at earl) planting. The result showed that the highest tolal fiber yield of harvest II, III and IV 8 62 g/pot was achieved by applying 100 mg CuSO< + 100 mg ZnS04 + 100 mg MnSO*/ pot/harvesting and 30 g dolomite/pot/year.Key words : Ramie, Boehmeria nivea, peat soil, dolomite
Ramie;Boehmeria nivea;peat soil;dolomite;Lahan gambut; dolomit; rami (Boehmeria nivea)