ABSTRAKProduktivitas jambu mete di Indonesia masih rendah karenabudidayanya yang masih sederhana dan belum menggunakan bahantanaman unggul. Hasil tanaman ditentukan oleh beberapa karakter morfo-fisiologi seperti luas dan tebal daun, jumlah stomata, laju fotosintesis,kandungan klorofil, relative water content (RWC), dan potential osmotikdaun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter morfo-fisiologiyang menentukan hasil jambu mete. Penelitian dilaksanakan di KebunPercobaan Cikampek dan Laboratorium, Balittro, Bogor, Jawa Barat, padabulan Januari-Desember 2012. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah duavarietas jambu mete produksi tinggi (B02 dan GG1) dan tiga varietasproduksi rendah (Laode Gani, Laode Kase, dan Laura). Tanamandibedakan dalam tiga kelompok umur (5, 8, dan 17 tahun). Parameter yangdiamati karakter morfologi seperti ketebalan daun (μm), luas daun (cm 2 ),produksi gelondong (kg/tanaman), berat kering daun (g/daun), anatomi(jumlah stomata), dan parameter fisiologi meliputi kandungan klorofil(a+b) (%), laju fotosintesis (μmol CO 2  m -2 s -1 ), karbohidrat daun (%),potensial air daun (bar), dan Relative Water Content (RWC) (%). Untukmengetahui parameter morfo-fisiologi yang berpengaruh nyata terhadapproduksi dilakukan uji komponen penentu hasil, yaitu peubah morfo-fisiologi terhadap produksi gelondong mete. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanpeubah klorofil tanaman jambu mete berpengaruh nyata antar aksesi. Hasilanalisis antar peubah morfo-fisiologi dan komponen hasil menunjukkanhanya peubah klorofil yang berkorelasi positif terhadap hasil gelondongaksesi jambu mete yang berproduktivitas tinggi. Fungsi hasil digambarkandalam formula ln hasil gelondong = 2,01 + 11,0 ln klorofil , sedangkan pada aksesiyang produktivitasnya rendah peubah klorofil tidak berpengaruh nyata.Fungsi ini mengindikasikan apabila kandungan klorofil meningkat 1%maka produksi gelondong akan meningkat 11%.Kata kunci: Anacardium occidentale, karakter morfo-fisiologi, produksiABSTRACTCashew productivity in Indonesia is still low, due to impropercultivation technique and the use of unimproved varieties. Crop yield isdetermined by several morpho-physiological characters such as leaf area,leaf thickness, the number of stomata, the rate of photosynthesis,chlorophyll content, relative water content (RWC), and leaf osmoticpotential. This study aimed to obtain morpho-physiological charactersaffecting cashew production. The research was conducted in the CikampekExperimental Station and in the Laboratory, ISMECRI, Bogor, West Java,from January to December 2012. The plant material used were twoselected high-yielding varieties (B02 and GG1) and three low-yieldingvarieties (Laode Gani, Laode Kase, and Laura). The plants were dividedinto three age groups (5, 8, and 17 years). Parameters measured weremorphological characteristics such as leaf thickness (µm), leaf area (cm 2 ),leaf dry weight (g/leaf), and nut yield (kg/tree), as well as anatomicalcharacteristic such as the number of stomata, and physiological parametersconsisted of chlorophyll content (a+b) (%), photosynthetic rate (µmol CO2m -2 s -1 ), leaf carbohydrate content (%), leaf water potential (bar) andrelative water content (RWC) (%). Data were analysed using componenttest to find morpho-physiological characteristics which was affecting nutyield. The result showed chlorophyll content was significantly affected nutyield among varieties as shown in the following function: ln nut yield = 2.01 +11.0 ln chlorophyll . The result indicated that when the chlorophyll contentincreased 1% the nut yield would increase 11%.Keywords: Anacardium occidentale, morpho-physiological characteris-tic, production