ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan di Desa Pongkah, Kecamatan Tellusiatinge,Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, bulan April sampai dengan Nopember2001. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk (a) mengetahui besarnya biayaproduksi dan pendapatan usahatani kapas antara petani kapas binaan danpetani kapas non binaan, (b) mengetahui tingkat adopsi teknologi padausahatani kapas binaan, dan (c) mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi dalamproses adopsi teknologi PHT yang dianjurkan. Lokasi penelitian dipilihsecara sengaja (purposive) dengan pertimbangan bahwa Kabupaten Bonemerupakan salah satu sentra produksi kapas di Sulawesi Selatan. Duaperlakuan yang dibandingkan terdiri dari petani kapas peserta PHT sebagaipetani kapas binaan ditentukan secara sengaja sebanyak 87 petani padahamparan lahan kering seluas 51 ha. Sebagai pembanding diambil secaraacak sederhana (simple random sampling) sebanyak 60 petani kapas nonbinaan dengan luas lahan 33 ha. Komponen teknologi yang dianjurkanpada petani PHT adalah : (a) benih kapas tanpa kabu-kabu, (b) tanamkapas varietas toleran wereng (Kanesia 7), (c) tanam tepat waktu, (d)penanaman jagung sebagai perangkap hama, (e) penggunaan serasah, (f)konservasi gulma penarik parasitoid, dan (g) penyemprotan berdasar hasilpanduan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi : (1) populasi arthropodaperusak dan berguna, (2) biaya saprodi dan tenaga kerja, (3) hasil kapasberbiji, (4) tingkat adopsi teknologi, (5) kendala penerapan teknologi PHT.Data di analisis menggunakan model analisis diskriptif dan usahatanienterprise. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi predator padaserasah di areal kapas binaan mencapai 178,57 ekor per 0,35m 3 onggokanserasah, dan populasi pada tanaman kapas 11,62 ekor per 25 tanamankapas. Produksi kapas berbiji yang diperoleh petani binaan dan petani nonbinaan masing-masing sebesar 1435 kg/ha dan 588 kg/ha, denganpendapatan atas biaya tunai masing-masing sebesar Rp. 2.330.648 dan Rp.279.273. Tingkat adopsi petani dalam penerapan teknologi PHT barumencapai 70%. Secara umum kendala yang dihadapi adalah (1) petanimasih belum menguasai teknologi bertanam kapas, termasuk teknologiPHT karena minimnya ketersediaan modal, (2) benih yang ditanam petanidaya tumbuhnya hanya 20-40%, dan (3) petani menghendaki harga kapastinggi.Kata kunci : Kapas, Gossypium hirsutum, adopsi teknologi, pendapatanABSTRACTIncreasing production and farmer’s income throughintegrated pest management applicationThis research was conducted in Pongkah, Tellusiatinge District,Bone, South Sulawesi from April to November 2001. The aims of thisresearch were to (a) determine the production cost and income from cottoncultivation between the trained cotton farmer and non-trained cottonfarmer, and (b) determine the level of technology adoption among thetrained cotton farmers and (c) investigate constraints in adopting thetechnology of integrated pest management (IPM) which had beensuggested for the implementation by the farmers. The location waspurposively selected based on the consideration that the Bone regency wasone of the main area of cotton cultivation in the South Sulawesi. Twogroups were compared in this study. These groups were 87 trained farmerswho cultivated 51 hectares of dry field and 60 non-trained farmers, whocultivated 33 hectares of dry field. The technology implemented by thetrained farmers were (a) the use of delinted seed , (b) the use of resistantcotton variety to Sundapteryx biguttula (Kanesia 7), (c) timely planting,(d) planting corn to trap the pest, (e) using mulch (corn stalk waste), (f)conservation of weeds to attracts parasitoid, and (g) insecticide sprayingbased on scouting system. The data gathered in this study included: (1)population of arthropods, both pest and non-pest, (2) the cost of productionand labor, (3) the yield of cotton, (4) the level of technology adoption, and(5) the constraints in adopting PHT technology. The data were analyzedusing descriptive analysis and farming enterprise. The results of theanalysis showed that the population of predators on the mulch in the fieldcultivated by trained farmers was 178.57insects 0.35 m 3 and in non-trainedfarmer field was 11.62 insects/25 plants. The yields of cotton betweentrained and non-trained farmers was 1435 kg/ha and 55 kg/ha, resulting incash income of Rp. 2,330,648.00 and Rp. 279,273.00. The level oftechnology adoption for trained farmers was 70 percent and the constraintswere: (1) lack of knowledge in applying PHT technology due toinsufficient capital, (2) germination rate of seeds planted by non-trainedfarmers was only 20-40 percent, (3) the low price of cotton.Key words: Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, technology adoption, income