ABSTRAKPenggunaan varietas jahe yang responsif terhadap pemupukan dosisrendah, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan danmenekan pencemaran lingkungan. Penelitian dengan tujuan untukmengetahui respon lima aksesi jahe putih kecil terhadap pemupukan dosisrendah telah dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Cimanggu pada bulanAgustus 2009 sampai Mei 2010. Lima aksesi jahe putih kecil dari daerahmarginal ditanam dalam polibag dan disusun menggunakan rancanganacak kelompok yang diulang 3 kali. Setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 20tanaman. Dua perlakuan yang diuji secara faktorial adalah, faktor I adalah5 aksesi jahe putih kecil, yaitu (1) Ziof 0004, (2) Ziof 0007, (3) Ziof 0008,(4) Ziof 0013, dan (5) Ziof 0014, dan faktor II adalah dosis pupuk, yaitu(a) 50% dosis anjuran (200 kg/ha urea + 150 kg/ha SP-36 + 150 kg/haKCl), (b) 75% dosis anjuran (300 kg/ha urea + 225 kg/ha SP-36 + 225kg/ha KCl), dan (c) dosis anjuran (400 kg/ha urea + 300 kg/ha SP-36 +300 kg/ha KCl). Masing-masing perlakuan diberi pupuk kandang sebagaipupuk dasar dengan dosis 20 t/ha. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadapparameter pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, diameter batang,dan jumlah daun), hasil dan serapan unsur hara N, P, dan K pada umur 4BST dan 9 BST. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masing-masingaksesi memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap penurunan dosis pupuk,baik pada fase pertumbuhan maupun produksi tanaman jahe. Pengurangandosis pupuk sampai 25% tidak mengurangi produksi jahe, tetapi penurunandosis pupuk sampai 50% dari dosis rekomendasi menyebabkan penurunanproduksi jahe secara nyata. Komposisi unsur hara N, P, dan K yangdiserap berbeda pada setiap fase pertumbuhan tanaman.Kata kunci : Aksesi, Zingiber officinale, pemupukan, pertumbuhan,produksiABSTRACTResponse of five accessions of small white ginger tofertilizersThe use of ginger varieties responsive to low fertilization dosages,is expected to increase fertilizer use efficiency and reduce environmentalpollution. Research aimed at observing response of five small white gingeraccessions of low-dosage fertilization has been conducted in the CimangguExperimental Station in from August 2009 through May 2010. Five smallwhite ginger accessions from marginal areas were planted in polybags.The experiment was and arranged using a randomized block design wasrepeated with 3 times replications. Each treatment consisted of 20 plants.Two treatments were tested factorially, where factor I : 5 small whiteginger accessions, namely (1) Ziof 0004, (2) Ziof 0007, (3) Ziof 0008, (4)Ziof 0013, and (5) Ziof 0014, and factor II : 3 fertilization dosages isdosage of fertilizer, namely (a) 50% recommendation dosage (200 kg urea+ 150 kg SP-36 + 150 kg KCl per hectare), (b) 75% recommendationdosage (300 kg urea + 225 kg SP-36 + 225 kg KCl per hectare), and (c)recommendation dosage (400 kg Urea + 300 kg SP-36 + 300 kg KCl perhectare). Each treatment was given 20 t/ha of manure as basal fertilizer.The parameters observed were growth parameters (plant height, number oftillers, stem diameter, and number of leaves), yield and nutrient uptake ofN, P, and K at 4 and 9 months after planting (MAP). The results showedthat each of the accessions responded differently to the reduction offertilizer dosages, either in vegetative or generative growth phase of gingerplants. Reduction of fertilizer dosages to 25% did not significantly reducethe yield of ginger, however, fertilizer dosages reduction up to 50% of therecommended dosages led to significant decrease of ginger yield.Compositions of N, P, and K nutrients absorbed by plants were different inevery phase of plant growth.Keywords : Accessions, Zingiber officinale, fertilizer, growth, yield