ABSTRAKPercobaan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian beberapa metoda uji Ptanah untuk tanaman jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) dan pengaruhberbagai dosis pupuk P terhadap kadar P daun dan berat kering tanamanterhadap jarak pagar telah dilakukan pada tanah Ultisol Citayam, Bogor.Percobaan dilakukan di Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempahdan Aneka Tanaman Industri Pakuwon, Jawa Barat, dari bulan September2006 sampai Juni 2007. Perlakuan terdiri atas dosis P (SP-36), yaitu 0, 50,100, dan 150 mg P O2 5 /kg tanah, yang disusun dalam Rancangan AcakLengkap (RAL) dengan empat ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa kadar P daun dan berat kering tanaman jarak pagar meningkatsejalan dengan dosis pupuk P yang diberikan. Peningkatan dosis pupuk Pjuga diikuti oleh peningkatan kadar P tanah yang diekstraksi denganmetoda Olsen-P, Bray-1 P, dan HCl 25%. Nilai-nilai kadar P tanah tersediayang diukur dengan ketiga metoda uji P tanah tersebut mempunyai hubungan yang nyata dengan kadar P tanah yang diekstraksi dengan determinasi (R 2 ) tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh persamaan regresi dari nilai-nilai P tanah dengan metoda Bray-1 P (R 2 = 0.92) dibandingkan denganmetoda Olsen-P dan HCl 25%, yang menunjukkan bahwa metoda ujitanah Bray-1 P lebih sesuai untuk penyusunan rekomendasi pemupukan Puntuk tanaman jarak pagar di tanah Ultisol.Kata kunci: Jatropha curcas L., P daun, metode uji P tanah, hubunganantara P daun dan P tanahABSTRACTA study was conducted to compare the suitability of several soil Ptest methods for physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) and to determine theeffect of various doses of P fertilizer on the leaf P content and the plant drymatter on Ultisol Citayam, Bogor. The experiments were carried out in aglasshouse from September 2006 up to July 2007. The employedtreatments, namely 0, 50, 100, and 150 mg P O2 5 /kg soil (in form of SP-36),were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with fourreplications. The results showed that the leaf P content and plant drymatter of physic nut on Ultisol increased in line with increasing doses of Pfertilizer applied. Increase of P fertilizer P rates was also followed by theincrease of soil P concentrations extracted by the three soil P test methods(Olsen-P, Bray-1 P, and HCl 25%). The values of available soil P concentration measured by the three soil P test methods had significant relationship with leaf P contents. The highest coefficient of determination (R 2 ) showed by the regression equation of available soil P concentrationmeasured by the Bray-1 P (R 2 = 0,92) compared to those measured by theOlsen-P and HCl 25% methods, indicated that the Bray-1 P method islikely  more  suitable  to  be  used  in  establishing  P  fertilizerrecommendations for the physic nut in Ultisol.Key words: Jatropha curcas L., leaf P, soil P test methods, relationshipbetween soil P and leaf P contents