PENGARUH JENIS KEMASAN DAN PENYIMPANAN DINGIN TERHADAP MUTU FISIK CABAI MERAH (Effect of packaging type and low temperature storage on physical quality of red chilli)

Kerusakan cabai merah segar di daerah tropis terutama disebabkan oleh suhu, kelembaban dan penanganan pascapanen. Meminimalkan kerusakan cabai dapat dilakukan dengan menghambat proses respirasi melalui penyimpanan suhu rendah dan teknik pengemasan. Belum banyak publikasi tentang pengemasan cabai dengan kapasitas besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyimpanan suhu dingin dan jenis kemasan terhadap kualitas fisik cabai dengan kapasitas besar selama penyimpanan 13 hari. Penelitian skala laboratorium ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu jenis kemasan (tiga taraf: jala plastik, karung plastik dan kardus karton) dan suhu penyimpanan (dua taraf: 10°C dan 15°C). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kombinasi perlakuan kemasan kardus karton pada suhu 10°C memberi hasil terbaik untuk mempertahankan mutu fisik cabai yang disimpan selama 13 hari dengan laju respirasi paling rendah 17,64 ± 1,8 ml gas CO2/kg.jam, susut bobot terendah (3,35±1,99%), rata-rata kekerasan 3,63 ± 0,33 N dan nilai warna yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan warna awal cabai (l*=35,96±1,26, a*=39,57±1,07 dan h*= 25,57±1,03). Sampai penyimpanan hari ke 5, mutu fisik cabai yang dikemas karung plastik sama dengan cabai dikemas kardus karton, namun setelah hari ke 5, cabai kemasan kardus karton lebih unggul daripada kemasan lain. Penyimpanan pada suhu 10°C menghasilkan kualitas cabai yang lebih baik daripada penyimpanan suhu 15°C, kecuali pada parameter susut bobot (susut bobot suhu 15°C rata-rata 6,76± 4,19 % lebih rendah suhu 10°C rata-rata 8,26 ± 4,71%). Perlakuan tidak mempengaruh nilai warna (l*, a* dan h°) cabai yang disimpan selama 13 hari.Kata kunci :cabai, kemasan, penyimpanan dingin, susut bobotEnglish Version AbstractDamage fresh red chillies in the tropics is mainly caused by temperature, humidity and postharvest handling. Chili can minimize the damage done to hinder the process of respiration by low temperature storage and packaging techniques. Research on red chilies with large capacity pack is slightly smaller than the capacity reported. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of low temperature storage and packaging type on the physical quality of red chilies in a large capacity for 13 days of storage. The study was conducted on a laboratory scale with a completely randomized factorial design. Factors studied were the type of packaging (three levels i.e. plastic nets, plastic sack and ventilated cardboard box) and storage temperature (two levels i.e. 10 °C and 15°C). The results showed that the combined treatment ventilated cardboard box packaging at a temperature of 10 ° C to give the best effect to maintain the physical quality red chilli stored for 13 days at a rate respiration of 17,64 ± 1,8 ml CO2 / kg.h, lowest weight loss (mean 3.35 ± 1, 99%), hardness (mean 3,63 ± 0,33 N) and color values are not significantly different from the initial color of chilli (l * = 35.96 ± 1.26, a * = 39.57 ± 1.07 and h * = 25.57 ± 1.03). The physical quality of chillies in plastic sack are not significantly different from chili in ventilated cardboard box until 5 days storage, but after 5 day, the physical quality of chilli in ventilated cardboard box better than a plastic sack. The physical quality of chillies in stored at temperature of 10°C has better than chilli in temperature of 15°C, except for the parameters of weight loss (weight loss temperature of 15°C on average 6.76 ± 4.19% lower mean temperature of 10 ° C. average 8.26 ± 4.71%). The treatment does not influence the color values (L *, a * and h °) peppers stored for 13 daysKeywords :red chilies, packaging, low temperature storage, weight loss
red chilies; packaging; low temperature storage; weight loss;