Market Performance of the Corn Seed Industry in East Java
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Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian
IndonesianPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja pasar industri benih jagung di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Dalam hal efisiensi produktif, produsen lokal lebih unggul dari perusahaan multinasional. Walaupun demikian, volume benih jagung yang terjual oleh perusahaan multinasional jauh lebih banyak dibanding produsen lokal. Perusahaan multinasional mampu menghasilkan berbagai varietas benih jagung hibrida, tidak demikian halnya dengan produsen lokal. Produsen lokal maupun perusahaan multinasional mengalami penurunan volume penjualan selama empat tahun terakhir. Pedagang besar-pengecer mempunyai harga beli dan harga jual ang lebih murah dari pedagang pengecer, tetapi memperoleh keuntungan lebih tinggi. Hanya sedikit pedagang besar-pengecer, yang juga sebagai distributor, secara progresif menjual benih jagung. Secara umum, kinerja pasar benih jagung tidak terintegrasi pada tingkat perusahaan ke pedagang besar maupun dari pedagang besar ke pengecer. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa produsen memberi kebebasan bagi para pedagang untuk menentukan marjin pemasaran. EnglishThis study is aimed at assessing market performance of the corn seed industry in East Java Province. In terms of productive efficiency, the local producers were better off than those of multinationals. Nevertheless, volumes of sales of the multinationals were higher than those of local producers. The multinationals were able to invent hybrid corn varieties, but not the local producers. Both multinationals and local producers experienced declining trend in volumes of sales. The wholesaler-retailers incurred lower buying price and selling price than those of the retailers but got higher profits. Only a few wholesaler-retailers, who were also as distributors, progressively distributed corn seed products. In general, the corn seed market performance was not integrated at both firm-to-wholesaler and wholesaler-to-retailer levels. It indicated that the firms deliberated the traders to determine their marketing margins.