Pengaruh Media Perendaman Terhadap Kualitas Keripik Kentang Varietas Amanda, The Effect Of Immeration Media On The Quality Of Amanda Variety Ptato Chips

Potrfto tttbers t'an he nntle intts potaloes and are well liked h1' all t'ircles. Ho.,,tev€r, pototo tuher.s contairt ctlol of' efizvtnes v'hich mude the color edst to c/t*nge. hr p*r/it'ulur hn:*,tt. The of'this reseurrh is to desermine thc best cttttcenivtian snl rnetlimn,far the inntersion nruterictl on tlrc mnrufac,ture oJ- ptotuto chips of Anurultr wtrieties to produce potLtttt chips witlt the bes't chenit'ul cnd sen.sttrl'c'kttacteristtt:s. The: e.tperinrcntul design usetl is conrytlete randum dcs'igtt (ML) untl 3 times reTteuted u'ith the trcdt,nent al'orclirurn,utdter imntu"siol lt:ontr.o!). Iirne solution (kOH:) 0.5'%. line solutir;n (CaOt'l:) l'/u. sotlium metabisulfite (Na.S:O:) 0.51o. sotlitrm metubisul/ite fr\./:.t:Oj, I?o,CuCb{}.5a,fturut CuCl2 l'%.Tlrcrssultsshou'etlthatthetrcutmcntof-inrnersionbcJbre. ptocessing into Ttotulo chips significuntll, u/fbt'tetl the .viekj .r{tt.r ft)iltezt, ash content. sturch. fut und liher c:hips.. Ilox,evet'it hus not s'ignilit:untlv ulfect ull orgunoleptir: t'hurut:tt:tislics (t:olor, urctmlr, textute und overqll .1('.epten(e). The hestpottrto dtip.t u'e ptstLtlc thip.r that were previously.saaked u'ith C'u('12 l%'tvith the lowest wdter fi)iltent (4.85%), lotvest ush t:onteti (l.7lo/o), highest stttrt'h conterxt (:2.96%), lonest.litt 729.92%). higlt Jib*'/2.92%) ord .yielcl (24.20%) rrith <trgttnoleptit. level.s rather like. Keywords: potan chip,s, ,-lmandct varieli.e,s, quulit.t,, i.rsmersion mediu.
potatao chips, Amanda varietas,quality, immersion media