ABSTRACT The Enhancement of Rice Farming Efficiency through Fertilization Techonology at Ipar Bondar Village, Mandailing Natal District, North Sumatera Province. Rice productivity at Ipar Bondar Village in Mandailing Natal Regency (4.34 t/ha) is under productivity of North Sumatera Province (4.97 t/ha). Thus, the increasing sustainable productivity effort is needed through fertilization efficiency. The assessment of the improvement of rice fertilization technology was done in 2012 by used five treatments that were applied directly in farmers’ land. Among five treatments, there were three applied an-organic fertilizers and the rest used organic fertilizers (cow shed manure and hay). The objectives of this assessment were to support the achievement of Increasing National Rice Production program by applying specific location of fertilization recommendation, maintained stability of rice land fertility and to increased farmer’s income. The result shown that treatment P4 (290 kg Urea + 110 kg SP36 + 115 kg KCl + 100 kg ZA) gave better production than the others (7.30 t/ha) which was insignificant with treatment P1:6.26 t/ha (5 ton straw + 180 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36) and treatment P5:7.17 t/ha (200 kg Urea + 100 kg SP36 + 50 KCl), while treatment P3 (200 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36 + 50 kg KCl) gave the lowest production (5.02 t/ha). The result of farming analysis shown that treatment P5 gave the highest B/C (2.97) and followed by treatment P1, P4, P3 and treatment P2 at 2.67, 2.66, 1.82 and 1.80 respectively. There were IDR4,895,000 for the net income between the best treatment (P5) and the control (P3). Keywords: Rice, organic fertilizer, an-organic fertilizer, farming analysis, efficiency of fertilization ABSTRAKProduktivitas padi sawah di Desa Ipar Bondar, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal (4,34 t/ha) masih di bawah produktivitas padi di Provinsi Sumatera Utara (4,97 t/ha). Oleh karena itu perlu upaya peningkatan produktivitas tanaman secara berkelanjutan diantaranya melalui efisiensi pemupukan. Kajian tentang perbaikan teknologi pemupukan padi sawah telah dilakukan pada tahun 2012 di lahan petani menggunakan lima perlakuan pemupukan. Dari lima perlakuan tersebut, tiga diantaranya hanya mengaplikasikan pupuk anorganik dan sisanya dengan pupuk organik (pupuk kandang dan jerami). Kajian ini bertujuan mendukung pencapaian program Peningkatan Produksi Beras Nasional (P2BN) dengan memberikan rekomendasi pemupukan spesifik lokasi, menjaga kestabilan kesuburan lahan sawah dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan P4 (290 kg Urea + 110 kg SP36 + 115 kg KCl + 100 kg ZA) memberikan hasil produksi yang lebih baik yakni 7,3 t/ha yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan P1 6,26 t/ha (5 t jerami + 180 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36) dan P5 7,17 t/ha (200 kg Urea + 100 kg SP36 + 50 KCl), sedangkan perlakuan P3 (200 kg Urea + 75 kg SP36 + 50 kg KCl) memberikan hasil produksi terendah yakni 5,02 t/ha. Hasil analisis usahatani menujukkan bahwa perlakuan P5 memberikan nilai rasio B/C tertinggi,  yakni 2,97 dan diikuti perlakuan P1, P4, P3 dan P2 dengan masing – masing nilai B/C yaitu 2,67, 2,66, 1,82 dan 1,80. Selisih pendapatan bersih antara perlakuan dengan hasil terbaik (P5) dengan kontrol (P3) yakni Rp4.895.000. Kata kunci: Padi, pupuk organik, pupuk anorganik, analisis usahatani, effisiensi pemupukan