Lost Profitability in Rice Seeding Farming in North Sumatera. This study aims to: (1) Identify the existence of harvest losses phenomenon in the activities of paddy seedling farming of seed growers in seed independent village, (2) Calculate the total of losses profitability due to the existence of harvest losses both in terms of the amount and economic value, and (3) Test the correlation between this harvest losses variables to its productivity values. The observation locations were selected purposively while respondents were chosen with judgemental method. To answer the three objectives, MS Excel and SPSS software were used. The results showed that harvest losses were occurred in all areas of observation. Pre processing harvest losses had a negative but non significant effect on productivity while post processing harvest losses had a negative and significant effect on productivity at the significancy level of 5%. Simalungun was the highest contributor with total loss 312,318,000 IDR per planting season per year. Losses were not only received by farmers but also to the local governments. Keywords: rice, profitability, losses, seedling, North Sumatera ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1). Mengidentifikasi keberadaan fenomena kehilangan hasil dalam kegiatan pascapanen usahatani perbenihan padi di Desa Mandiri Benih. (2). Menghitung total kerugian yang ditimbulkan akibat keberadaan fenomena kehilangan hasil tersebut baik dari segi jumlah maupun nilai ekonominya, serta (3). Menguji korelasi diantara egative tersebut dengan nilai produktivitasnya. Pemilihan lokasi pengamatan dilakukan secara sengaja sedangkan responden dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik sampling pertimbangan. Untuk menjawab ketiga tujuan tersebut, digunakan bantuan software MS. Excel dan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kehilangan hasil (pra pengolahan) memberikan pengaruh negative yang tidak signifikan terhadap produktivitas sedangkan kehilangan hasil (pasca pengolahan) memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produktivitas pada taraf nyata 5%. Simalungun merupakan kabupaten penyumbang kerugian tertinggi dengan nilai total kerugian sebesar Rp 312.318.000 per musim tanam per tahun. Kerugian tidak hanya diterima oleh petani tetapi juga pemerintah daerah.Kata kunci: padi, profitabilitas, hilang, tersembunyi, perbenihan, Sumatera Utara
rice, profitability, losses, seedling, North Sumatera,harta karun, hilang, tersembunyi, perbenihan padi, Sumatera Utara