ABSTRAKMasalah  utama  tembakau  Temanggung  adalah  rendahnyaproduktivitas yang disebabkan oleh mundurnya daya dukung lahan karenaerosi dan endemi penyakit lincat (kompleks nematoda Meloidogyne spp,bakteri Ralstonia solanacearum, dan cendawan Phytophthora nicotianae).Saat ini telah diperoleh enam galur hasil persilangan dari varietas Sindoro1 (moderat tahan terhadap Ralstonia solanacearum tetapi rentan terhadapMeloidogyne spp. dan sangat rentan terhadap Phytophthora nicotianae)dengan tembakau virginia yang tahan terhadap ketiga patogen tersebut.Evaluasi terhadap hasil, indeks mutu, indeks tanaman dan ketahananterhadap ketiga patogen telah dilakukan di 3 lokasi selama tiga tahundengan rancangan acak kelompok tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa ada dua galur harapan yaitu (1) Galur A dengan rata-rata produktivitas : 0,880 ton rajangan kering per ha dan indeks mutu40,28 indeks tanaman 35,47 dan kadar nikotin 5,52%. Produktivitas galurA meningkat 48,08%, indeks mutu meningkat 4,87% dan indeks tanamanmeningkat 53,73% serta kadar nikotin menurun 15,06% dibanding varietasstandar. Galur A memiliki sifat moderat tahan terhadap bakteri Ralstoniasolanacearum dan toleran terhadap nematoda Meloidogyne spp. (2) GalurE dengan rata-rata produktivitas : 0,869 ton rajangan kering per ha, indeksmutu 36,01 indeks tanaman 31,87 dan kadar nikotin 6,00%. Produktivitasgalur E meningkat 46,23%, indeks mutu menurun 6,25% dan indekstanaman meningkat 38,12% serta kadar nikotin menurun 2,56% dibandingvarietas standar. Galur E memiliki sifat moderat tahan terhadap bakteriRalstonia solanacearum dan toleran terhadap nematoda Meloidogyne spp.Kata kunci : Tembakau,  Nicotiana  tabacum,  Temanggung, galurharapan, Ralstonia solanacearum, Meloidogyne spp,Phytophthora nicotianae, lahan lincat, Jawa TimurABSTRACTTemanggung tobacco promising lines with high producti-vity and resistant to lincat diseasedThe main problem in Temanggung tobacco cultivation is lowproductivity which is caused by increasing land erosion and invasion ofendemic disease called ‘lincat’. Lincat is a disease caused by a complexinvasion of three pathogens i.e. Meloidogyne spp. (root-knot nematode),Ralstonia solanacearum (bacteria) and Phytophthora nicotianae (fungus).Hybridization between variety Sindoro 1 (moderately resistant to R.solanacearum but susceptible to Meloidogyne spp. and highly susceptibleto P. nicotianae) and virginia tobacco (resistant to these three pathogens)has resulted in six lines. These lines were planted in three locations for 3years and were evaluated for their yield, grade index, crop index, andresistance intensity to these three pathogens, using randomized blockdesign with 3 replications. Two promising lines were resulted from thisevaluation i.e. (1) Line A, that has productivity of tobacco sliced : 0.880ton per hectare, grade index: 40.28 crop index: 35.47 and nicotine content:5.52%. In comparison to standard variety, the productivity, grade index,and crop index of this line increased of 48.08%, 4.87%, and 53.73%,respectively, and nicotine content decreased of 15.06%. Moreover, thisline is moderately resistant to R. solanacearum and tolerant toMeloidogyne spp. (2) Line E, that has productivity of tobacco sliced:0.869 ton per hectare, grade index: 36.01 crop index: 31.87 and nicotinecontent: 6.00%. This line also has increase productivity, and crop index of46.23% 38.12%, respectively, and has decrease grade index and nicotinecontent of 6.25% and 2.56%, respectively compared to standard variety.This line is moderately resistant to R. solanacearum and tolerant toMeloidogyne spp.Key words : Tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, Temanggung, promising line,Ralstonia solanacearum, Meloidogyne spp., Phytophthoranicotianae, lincat land, East Jav