ABSTRAKDiversitas genetik aksesi kelapa sawit Indonesia saat ini sangatrendah. Dalam usaha meningkatkan keragaman genetik telah dilakukaneksplorasi plasma nutfah di pusat keragaman genetik kelapa sawit diKamerun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui diversitas genetikdan tingkat polimorfisme berdasarkan marka SSR aksesi-aksesi kelapasawit Kamerun. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan 49 aksesi kelapa sawitKamerun, Afrika yang ditanam di Kebun Sumber Daya Genetik (SDG)Sawit Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat. DNA genomik diisolasi dari tiapindividu aksesi menggunakan protokol isolasi DNA untuk tanamanbergetah. DNA dianalisis menggunakan 20 marka SSR. Dendrogramkekerabatan dikonstruksi menggunakan metode Unweighted Pair GroupMethod Arithmetic (UPGMA) melalui software NTSYS-pc (NumericalTaxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) versi 2.1-pc. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan nilai polimorfisme information content (PIC) marka SSRtinggi sebesar 0,80 (berkisar 0,63-0,91). Jumlah alel yang terdeteksi permarka SSR berkisar antara 4-15 alel per lokus SSR (rata-rata 8,75).Analisis filogenetik 49 aksesi menghasilkan diversitas genetik 12,5-54,72% (kemiripan genetik 55,28-87,50%). Pada diversitas genetik54,72%, aksesi Kamerun terbagi menjadi tujuh kelompok masing-masingterdiri dari 9, 28, 4, 2, 1, 2, dan 3 aksesi. Aksesi dengan diversitas genetiktinggi dan berada pada klaster berbeda, potensial digunakan sebagai calontetua dalam program pemuliaan kelapa sawit.Kata kunci: Elaeis guineensis Jacq., diversitas genetik, plasma nutfah,marka SSRABSTRACTGenetic diversity of the Indonesian oil palm collection is very low.To improve their genetic variability, exploration from the oil palm centerof origins has been done in Kamerun. The objectives of this study were todetermine genetic and polymorphism level of the SSR markers Cameroon-originated oil palm accessions. Genetic materials used were 49 Cameroon-originated oil palm accessions collected at Sijunjung Oil Palm GermplamCollection Station, West Sumatera. Genomic DNA was isolated using aprotocol for isolating DNA from leaves rich with latex. DNA was analyzedusing 20 SSR markers. A dendogram was constructed using theUnweighted Pair Group Method Arithmetic (UPGMA) method through theNumerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System software(NTSYS-pc) version 2.1-pc. Results showed that the polimorfismeinformation content (PIC) values of the SSR markers used was high, 0.80(range from 0.63-0.91). The average number of the SSR alleles detectedwas also high, 8.75 alleles (range from 4-15 alleles per SSR locus).Phylogenetic analysis of the 49 oil palm accessions resulted geneticdiversity of 12.5-54.72% (genetic similarity of 55.28-87.50%). At geneticdiversity 54.72%, the 49 accessions were divided into seven clusters, eachconsisted of 9, 28, 4, 2, 1, 2, and 3 accesions, respectively. Accessionswith high genetic diversity and located at different clusters may be usefulas parent candidates in the future oil palm breeding programs.Key words: Elaeis guineensis Jacq., genetic diversity, germplasm, SSRmarkers