ABSTRAKNira aren merupakan bahan utama untuk pembuatan gula merah danminuman tradisional beralkohol, seperti palm wine dan cap tikus diSulawesi Utara. Kualitas produk yang dihasilkan sangat tergantung padamutu nira aren sebelum diproses (difermentasi). Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui pengaruh sabut kelapa sebagai bahan pengawet mutunira aren dan pengaruhnya terhadap mutu palm wine yang dihasilkan.Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2002 diLaboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kelapa dan Palma Lain (Balitka)Manado. Nira aren diperoleh dari kebun petani di Tatengesan KabupatenMinahasa. Penelitian ini terdiri atas 2 tahap. Penelitian Tahap I adalahpengaruh sabut kelapa terhadap mutu nira aren. Perlakuan disusun secarafaktorial dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua ulangan. Faktorpertama adalah berat sabut/penampung (50 g, 100 g dan 150 g). Faktorkedua adalah lama pengamatan setelah sadap ( 1, 2, 3 dan 4 jam). Peubahyang diamati adalah pH, gula total dan warna. Penelitian Tahap II adalahpengolahan nira aren untuk palm wine. Perlakuan disusun secara faktorialdalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitujenis mikroba untuk starter, yaitu ragi roti (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),kultur murni S. cerevisiae dan S. ellipsoides. Faktor kedua adalah lamapenuaan (aging), terdiri atas 1 bulan, 2 bulan dan 3 bulan. Peubah yangdiamati yaitu total gula, pH, kadar alkohol, total mikroba, total asam, asamvolatil, warna, bau dan rasa. Hasil penelitian Tahap I menunjukkan bahwapenggunaan sabut segar sebanyak 50 g dapat mempertahankan mutu nirasampai 3 jam setelah sadap dengan kualitas nira baik dan keasamannyanetral (pH 6,32), tidak berbeda dari kontrol (nira sebelum didiamkan). Nirayang dihasilkan dari Tahap I ini langsung digunakan untuk penelitianTahap II. Hasil penelitian Tahap II menunjukkan bahwa palm wine yangdifermentasi dengan ragi roti dan S. cerevisiae mempunyai mutu cukupbaik walaupun telah disimpan selama 3 bulan, dengan total gula berkisar3,33-3,78%, pH 3,94-4,10 dan kadar alkohol 6,88%. Sedangkan palmwine yang difermentasi dengan S. ellipsoides total gulanya 10,44%, pH4,3 dan kadar alkohol 1,58%. Selanjutnya nilai total asam dari palm wineyang diolah dengan ragi roti, S. serevisiae, dan S. ellipsoides, masing-masing 12,27 meq/100 ml, 10,52 meq/100 ml, dan 9,24 meq/100 ml. Nilaiasam asetat (asam volatil) berkisar antara 0,008 – 0,042%. Warna palmwine yang diperoleh adalah coklat kemerahan. Uji organoleptik menun-jukkan bahwa panelis agak menyukai aroma dan rasa dari palm wine yangdifermentasi dengan S. ellipsoides, walaupun kadar alkohol hanya 1,58%.Secara umum, kualitas palm wine dari nira aren termasuk minumanberalkohol golongan B karena kadar alkoholnya rendah (<2%) dan asamvolatil < 0,2%.Kata kunci : Aren, Arenga pinnata, pasca panen, prosesing, nira aren,sabut kelapa, penyadapan, palm wine, Sulawesi UtaraABSTRACTEffect of fresh coconut husk on the quality of Arenga pinnata toddy andpalm wineArenga pinnata toddy is the main row material for processing palmsugar and traditional beverage, like palm wine and cap tikus in NorthSulawesi. The quality of product depends on the quality of A. pinnatatoddy before it is processed (fermented). The aim of this research was tostudy the effect of coconut husk to preserve the toddy of A. pinnata and itseffect on the palm wine quality. The research was conducted from Januaryto December 2002, at the Laboratory of Indonesian Coconut and PalmaeResearch Institute (ICOPRI) Manado. Arenga pinnata toddy was obtainedfrom the farmer at Tatengesan Village in Minahasa Regency. The researchconsisted of 2 parts which were done continuously. The first part was theeffect of coconut husk on the quality of Arenga pinnata toddy. Theexperiment was arranged factorially using completely randomized design,with two replications. The first factor was the weight of coconut husk (50g, 100 g and 150 g). The second factor was the period after tapping (1, 2 ,3, and 4 hours). The variables observed were pH, total sucrose and thecolour of toddy. The second part was processing palm wine by using thetoddy of Arenga pinnata. The experiment was arranged factorially using acompletely randomized design, with 3 replications. The first factor waskind of starter/microbial consisted of commercial yeast, pure culture S.cerevisiae and S. ellipsoides. The second factor was aging period consistedof 1 month, 2 months and 3 months. The variables observed were totalsucrose, acidity (pH), alcohol content, total plate count, total acid, volatilacid, colour, flavor and taste. The results on the first part showed that 50gof fresh coconut husk was suitable and efficient to preserve the quality oftoddy up to 3 hours after tapping. The toddy which were produced thatway could be processed for making palm wine. The results of the secondpart showed that the quality of palm wine until 3 months aging period wasgood, especially the palm wine using starter from commercial yeast and S.cerevisiae. The total sucrose and acidity (pH) of the palm wine usingcommercial yeast and pure culture S. cerevisiae are total sugar was asfollows 3.33 – 3.78%, pH 3.94– 4.10 and alcohol content was 6.88%. Byusing S. ellipsoides the total sucrose 10.44%, pH 4.3, and alcohol content1.58%. The total acid of the palm wine using commercial yeast, pureculture S. cerevisiae, and S. ellipsoides: 12.27 meq/100 ml, 10.52meq/100 ml, 9.24 meq/100 ml. Volatil acid content as acetic acid was0.008 – 0.042%. The colour of palm wine was brown redness.Organoleptic test showed that the testers liked the flavor and taste of thepalm wine using S. ellipsoides, better eventhough its alcohol content wasonly 1.58%. In general, the quality of palm wine from A. pinnata toddywas categorized as alcohol beverage group B because its alcohol contentwas low (<2%) and volatile acid content was <0.2%.Key words : Sugar palm, Arenga pinnata toddy, post harvest, processing,coconut husk, tapping, palm wine, North Sulawes