Seleksi Ketahanan Klon-klon Harapan Krisan terhadap Penyakit Karat

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Sifat ketahanan terhadap penyakit merupakan salah satu kriteria dalam seleksi progeni hasil persilangan untuk pelepasan varietas baru krisan. Untuk mendapatkan klon-klon unggul krisan tahan karat, sejumlah progeni telah dievaluasi ketahanannya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (1.100 m dpl) dari bulan Oktober 2002 hingga September 2003 untuk mengevaluasi 13 aksesi yang terdiri dari 12 klon krisan, yaitu nomor 151.13, 159.79, 162.7, 164.28, 164.37, 164.64, 164.82, 164.88, 164.97, 164.102, 164.156, 165.12, dan 1 varietas kontrol (cv. White Reagent) terhadap penyakit karat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa awal terjadinya gejala dan insidensi penyakit bervariasi pada klon-klon yang dicoba. Berdasarkan kriteria tingkat ketahanan, terdapat 2 klon, yaitu No. 151.13 dan 164.64, dikategorikan sangat tahan terhadap penyakit karat. Selain itu terdapat 2 klon yang termasuk kriteria tahan dan 7 klon yang dikategorikan agak tahan. Sedangkan cv. White Reagent dan klon No. 164.37 termasuk dalam kategori agak rentan terhadap penyakit karat.ABSTRACT. Budiarto, K., I. B. Rahardjo, and Suhardi. 2008. Resistant Evaluation of Chrysysanthemum Promising Clones to Japanese White Rust Dise ase . Resistance to major disease is one of important criteria in the selection of chrysanthemum for new released varieties. Japanese white rust is considered one of constrained-diseases and become major problems in commercial chrysanthemum growers in Indonesia up to this moment. Thus, selection of progenies against this disease became important. The research was conducted from October 2002 to September 2003 to evaluate 13 accessions of chrysanthemum, comprised of 12 promising clones of no. 151.13, 159.79, 162.7, 164.28, 164.37, 164.64, 164.82, 164.88, 164.97, 164.102, 164.156, 165.12, and 1 commercial variety (cv. White Reagent) as control to white rust disease. The results of the experiments showed that the initial symptoms and white rust incidence were varied among clones tested. Among the 13 accessions, 2 clones (no. 151.13 and 164.64) were considered strongly resistant. The other 2 and 7 clones were included to the criteria of resistant and moderate resistant, respectively. While cv. White Reagent (control) and clone no. 164.37 were categorized as moderate susceptible.
Dendranthema grandiflora; Ketahanan; Penyakit karat; Puccinia horiana.