Teknik Perbanyakan Masal Predator Menochilus sexmaculatus Pengendali Serangga Bemisia tabaci Vektor Virus Kuning pada Tanaman Cabai

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Bemisia tabaci Genn. merupakan hama penting pada tanaman cabai merah. Peran penting lainnya adalah sebagai serangga vektor penular virus gemini yang menyebabkan penyakit kuning pada komoditas tersebut. Penelitian mengenai teknik perbanyakan masal predator Menochilus sexmaculatus pengendali serangga B. tabaci vektor virus kuning pada tanaman cabai telah dilaksanakan di Rumah Kasa Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang sejak bulan April sampai dengan November 2006. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap, yaitu (1) perbanyakan M. sexmaculatus, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial, dengan 4 tanaman inang dan 2 serangga mangsa, dan (2) uji daya mangsa pada B. tabaci dan Myzus persicae, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara tanaman dan mangsa yang digunakan. Tanaman caisin dan mangsa M. persicae merupakan perlakuan yang terbaik untuk perbanyakan predator M. sexmaculatus dan dapat menghasilkan telur sebanyak 893,33 butir, diikuti oleh kombinasi antara tongkol jagung dan M. persicae serta caisin dan B. tabaci, seekor betina M. sexmaculatus mampu menghasilkan telur sebanyak 140-975 butir selama 8-11 hari atau 12-89 ekor/hari. Puncak peneluran terjadi pada hari ke-5 sampai hari ke-7, mortalitas larva M. sexmaculatus berkisar antara 28,66-45,47%, perbandingan antara jantan:betina 1:1, selama 24 jam M. sexmaculatus mampu memangsa B. tabaci sebanyak 51,50 ekor dan pada M. persicae sebanyak 168,50 ekor; daur hidup predator M. sexmaculatus berkisar antara 56 hingga 78 hari dengan rincian telur 4-5 hari, larva 20-25 hari, pupa 4-6 hari dan imago 28-42 hari. Stadia imago terutama betina lebih banyak memangsa B. tabaci dibandingkan dengan jantan ataupun stadia larva. Predator betina paling cepat menemukan mangsa dibandingkan dengan jantan ataupun larva. Predator M. sexmaculatus betina hanya memerlukan waktu 20,33 detik pada jumlah mangsa 120 ekor. Penggunaan M. sexmaculatus untuk pengendalian B. tabaci secara hayati sangat potensial untuk menekan penggunaan insektisida sintetis.ABSTRACT. Muharam, A. and W. Setiawati. 2007. The Mass Propagation Technique of Menochilus sexmaculatus, the Predator of Bemisia tabaci, the Chilli-Yellow-Viruses Transmitting Vector. Bemisia tabaci is apparently known as one of the major pests on chilli pepper. Another important role of the pest is the capability of transmitting gemini virus on chilli pepper causing yellow diseases. A study on mass propagation of M. sexmaculatus, the predator of B. tabaci, was carried out in Screenhouses of Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute, Lembang, from April to November 2006. Consecutive steps of the study were (1) propagation of the predator using a factorial randomized block design, with 4 host plants and 2 preys, and (2) the test of the capability of M. sexmaculatus as the predator of B. tabaci and Myzus persicae, utilyzing a randomized block design with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The results indicated that a correlation was occurred between host plants and preys. The combination of Brassica sinensis as a host plant with M. persicae as a prey resulted in the best treatment for propagation of the predator with eggs production of 893.33, followed by the combinations of Zea mays with M. persicae, and B. sinensis with B. tabaci. One female of M. sexmaculatus was able to produce 140 to 975 eggs within 8 to 11 days, or 12 to 89 eggs per day. The peak of egg production was occurred from the 5th to 7th day. Mortality of M. sexmaculatus larvae was between 28.66 and 45.47%. The best ratio of female and male of the predator was 1 : 1. Within 24 hours the predator was able to attack B. tabaci and M. persicae up to 51.50 and 168.50 larvae, respectively. Life cycle of the predator was between 56 and 78 days: egg 4-5 days, larvae 20-25 days, pupa 4-6 days, and imago for 28-42 days. Female predators attacked B. tabaci much more than male and larvae. Female predators found preys faster than male ones and larvae, 20.33 seconds for 120 preys. The application of M. sexmaculatus for biological control of B. tabaci will obviously decrease the use of synthetic insecticides.
Pepper plant; Menochilus sexmaculatus; Myzus persicae; Bemisia tabaci; Predator mass propagation; Host plant; Predator prey capacity.