Kemangkusan Amblyseius swirskii dan Orius laevigatus dalam Mengendalikan Hama Thrips parvispinus pada Paprika

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui kemurnian predator introduksi, keamanan jaring kasa Agronet(568 lubang/cm²), serta kemangkusan predator introduksi Amblyseius swirskii dan Orius laevigatus, dilaksanakansejak bulan Oktober 2007 sampai dengan April 2008 di Laboratorium Entomologi dan Fitopatologi Balai PenelitianTanaman Sayuran Lembang (±1.250 m dpl.) dan di Rumah Kasa CV ASB Farm di Desa Cigugurgirang, KecamatanParongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat (±1.100 m dpl.). Uji kemurnian dan keamanan dilakukan di laboratorium,sedang uji kemangkusan predator dilaksanakan di rumah kasa dalam mengendalikan hama T. parvispinus padatanaman paprika. Penelitian di rumah kasa menguji empat macam perlakuan pengendalian, yaitu dengan: (A) 75ekor A.swirskii/m2, (B) O.laevigatus 5 ekor/m2, (C) kombinasi 40 ekor A.swirskii + 3 ekor O.laevigatus/m2, dan (D)kontrol (tanpa predator). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kemasan predator introduksi A.swirskii danO.laevigatus hanya dijumpai kedua jenis predator tersebut dan tungau tepung sebagai makanan A.swirskii. Organismehama dan penyakit tidak ditemukan dalam kemasan, sehingga kedua predator tersebut layak diintroduksi ke Indonesia.Jaring kasa Agronet yang digunakan memiliki anyaman yang cukup rapat, sehingga tidak memungkinkan predatorpredatortersebut melaluinya. Dengan demikian, jaring tersebut aman digunakan sebagai dinding rumah kasa. Daripercobaan di rumah kasa diketahui bahwa A.swirskii efektif mengendalikan trips, sehingga hasil panen paprika dapatdipertahankan.ABSTRACT. Prabaningrum, L. and T.K. Moekasan. 2010. Effectiveness of Amblyseius swirskii and Oriuslaevigatus Against Thrips parvispinus on Sweet Pepper. The experiment was aimed to determine the purity ofintroductory predators, safety of the Agronet screen (568 holes/cm²), and effectiveness of introductory predatorsA. swirskii and O.laevigatus. The research was conducted from October 2007 until April 2008 in the Laboratory ofEntomology and Phytopathology Division of Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute (IVEGRI) (1,250 m asl.) andin the Greenhouse of CV ASB Farm in Cigugurgirang Village, Parongpong Subdistrict, West Bandung District (1,100m asl.), West Java. Purity and safety tests were conducted in the laboratory and the effectiveness test was conductedin the greenhouse. Four treatments were tested in the greenhouse i.e. the application of (A) A.swirskii (75/m2), (B)O.laevigatus (5/m2), (C) A.swirskii (40/m2) + O.laevigatus (3/m2), and (D) check (without predators). The resultsshowed that there were only A.swirskii, O.laevigatus, and powder mites as food in the containers of the introductorypredators. There were no pests and diseases in the container, so that the predators can be introduced. The net of thescreen was plaited closely, so that A.swirskii and O.laevigatus did not able to pass through. It was indicated that thescreen was safe to be used as the wall of screenhouse. The experiment in the screenhouse indicated that A.swirskiisuppressed thrips population effectively, so that the sweet pepper yield would be sustained.