Eksplorasi Isolat Lemah Chili Veinal Mottle Potyvirus pada Pertanaman Cabai di Jambi, Sumatera Barat, dan Jawa Barat

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Salah satu virus utama yang menginfeksi tanaman cabai ialah Chili veinal mottle potyvirus (ChiVMV) yang potensial menyebabkan kehilangan hasil. Strategi pengendalian virus melalui proteksi silang mengandalkan kemampuan virus strain lemah dalam melindungi tanaman dari infeksi virus strain kuat. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi isolat lemah ChiVMV pada pertanaman cabai di Jambi, Sumatera Barat, dan Jawa Barat, sedangkan deteksi ChiVMV dilakukan di Laboratorium Virologi Tumbuhan dan penularan ke tanaman cabai di Rumah Kaca Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Institut Pertanian Bogor, dari bulan Februari sampai Juli 2011. Isolat-isolat ChiVMV dari tiap daerah berhasil ditularkan dan diperbanyak pada tanaman cabai rentan (Capsicum annuum L.) IPB C13 di rumah kaca. Berdasarkan gejala penyakit dan keparahan penyakit, isolat ChiVMV dapat dibedakan menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu isolat kuat (CKB), isolat sedang (CKW), dan isolat lemah (KAR, SPR, IVAK, SKT, LGM, SKR, CGN, CSR, dan PGL). Isolat-isolat lemah ChiVMV ini selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai kandidat agens proteksi silang dalam pengendalian penyakit belang yang disebabkan oleh ChiVMV.ABSTRACT. Asniwita,  Hidayat, SH, Suastika, G, Sujiprihati, S, Susanto, S, and Hayati, I 2012. Exploration of Weak Isolates of  Chili Veinal Mottle Potyvirus from Chili Peppers in Jambi, West Sumatera, and West Java. Chili veinal mottle potyvirus (ChiVMV) is known as an important virus infecting chili peppers and may cause significant yield loss.  Management strategy of virus diseases using cross protection relies on the ability of mild strain of virus to protect plant from infection by severe strain of the same virus. A research was initiated to employ cross protection approach for disease management to reduce the infection of ChiVMV.  Initial exploration was conducted at chili peppers growing areas in Jambi, West Sumatera, and West Java to collect ChiVMV field isolates, whereas ChiVMV detection was conducted at Plant Virology Laboratorium, and transmission to chili peppers in Greenhouse Plant Protection Department, Bogor Agricultural Institute from February to July 2011. ChiVMV isolates were successfully collected and propagated in susceptible chili peppers line (Capsicum annuum L.) IPB C13.  Based on percentage of symptom development, and disease severity of ChiVMV isolates can be differentiated into three groups, i.e. strong isolate (CKB), mild isolate (CKW), and weak isolates (KAR, SPR, IVAK, SKT, LGM, SKR, CGN, CSR, and PGL). Further characterization of promising ChiVMV weak isolates could use as an agent of cross protection candidates in controlling mottle disease caused by ChiVMV.