Peran Penyuluh Pertanian dalam perkembangan Kelompok Tani di Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Perikanan dan Kehutanan (BP3K) Kabupaten Bogor

The analytical methods used in this study are: descriptive analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis, which aims to find out how big the role of agricultural extension in the development of farmer groups in the area of BP3K Caringin, Bogor Regency. The results of the study used descriptive analysis, which had high categories including: the role of agricultural extension workers in developing the intensity of interaction between members, the role of agricultural extension workers in developing shared ownership, group norms, group cohesiveness, group leadership, group effectiveness, and the role of group leaders. Which has a low category is the role of Agricultural Instructors in fostering member awareness, contactants in the application of the structure of rules and patterned behavior, and the role of village officials. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that, variables that significantly affected the development of farmer groups (α: 5%) were: the role of the Agricultural Extension Officer in developing the intensity of interaction between members, the role of the Agricultural Extension Officer in developing shared ownership, the validity of group norms, group cohesiveness, effectiveness groups, and the role of group leaders, while the variables that have no significant effect on the sustainability of farmer groups are: the role of the Agricultural Extension Officer in growing member awareness, the role of contractants in the application of patterned structures and patterned behavior, group leadership and the role of the village administrator
Penyuluh Pertanian, Kelompok Tani, Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Perikanan dan Kehutanan (BP3K)