Aplikasi 2,4-D dan TDZ dalam Pembentukan dan Regenerasi Kalus pada Kultur Anther Anthurium

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Studi kombinasi konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ dalam pembentukan kalus dan regenerasinya pada kultur anther Anthurium dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias sejak bulan November 2007 hingga Agustus 2008. Penelitian bertujuan  mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ terhadap pembentukan dan regenerasi kalus. Spadik Anthurium andraeanum kultivar Tropical yang 50% stigmanya berada dalam kondisi reseptif optimal, kalus hasil regenerasi, dan medium MWR-3 yang mengandung BAP 0,75 mg/l, NAA 0,02 mg/l, sukrosa 30 g/l, dan gelrit 2,0 g/l digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ yang diuji ialah 0, 0,5, 1,0, dan 2,0 mg/l. Rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dengan empat ulangan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ berpengaruh nyata terhadap pembentukan dan regenerasi kalus. Aplikasi 2,4-D 0,5 mg/l yang dikombinasikan dengan TDZ 2,0 mg/l merupakan kombinasi terbaik untuk pembentukan kalus dengan potensi tumbuh anther mencapai 58%, 38% anther beregenerasi dan rerata 2,3 anther membentuk kalus tiap perlakuan. Kombinasi 2,4-D 1,0 mg/l dengan TDZ 0,5 mg/l merupakan kombinasi terbaik untuk regenerasi kalus dengan 5,3 tunas per eksplan. ABSTRACT. Winarto, B., N.A. Mattjik, A. Purwito, and B. Marwoto. 2010. Application of 2.4-D and TDZ on Callus Formation and Its Regeneration of Anthurium Anther Culture. Study of 2.4-D and TDZ concentration combination in callus formation and its regeneration on anther culture of Anthurium was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute from November 2007 to August 2008. This study was aimed to determine the effect of concentration combination of 2.4-D and TDZ on callus formation, growth, and its regeneration. Spadix of Anthurium andraeanum cv. Tropical which 50% of its stigma was in optimum receptive, MWR-3 medium containing BAP 0.75 mg/l, NAA 0.02 mg/l, sucrose 30 g/l, and gelrite 2.0 g/l and callus derived from the anthers were used in the experiments. Concentrations of 2.4-D and TDZ tested in the experiment for callus formation and its regeneration were 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/l. Factorial experiment with four replications was arranged in a completely randomized design. The results of the study indicated that combination of 2.4-D and TDZ gave significant effect on callus induction and its regeneration. In callus formation, 2.4-D 0.5 mg/l combined with TDZ 2.0 mg/l was the most suitable treatment with potential anther growth up to 58%; and 38% of anther regenerated with average 2.3 of anthers produced callus per treatment. 2.4-D 1.0 mg/l combined with TDZ 0.5 mg/l was the most appropriate treatment for callus regeneration into shoots with 5.3 shoots/explant.