Segmentasi Konsumen Kentang, Bawang Merah, dan Cabai Merah Berdasarkan Peubah Sosio-Demografis dan Kepentingan Kriteria Produk

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi segmen-segmen konsumen kentang, bawang merah, dan cabai merah berdasarkan peubah sosio-demografis dan persepsi tentang kepentingan kriteria produk. Penelitian survai dilaksanakan di tiga kota besar konsumen utama sayuran, yaitu Jakarta (DKI Jaya), Bandung (Jawa Barat), dan Padang (Sumatera Barat) pada bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2006. Responden terdiri dari 335 konsumen kentang, bawang merah, dan cabai merah yang dipilih secara acak. Alat analisis yang digunakan ialah statistik deskriptif, tabulasi silang, dan analisis klaster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk kentang, dua peubah sosio-demografis (pendidikan dan pengeluaran) dan 11 peubah kriteria produk (kesegaran, rasa, kebersihan, nilai gizi, tidak mengandung residu pestisida, penampakan luar, tidak ada tanda busuk, harga, kemasan, label produk, dan  kenyamanan tempat pembelian) berpengaruh nyata terhadap perbedaan karakteristik segmen konsumen kentang. Jumlah segmen konsumen kentang yang dianggap paling sensible (pantas/masuk akal) ialah tiga segmen (segmen 1=120 orang, segmen 2=12 orang, dan segmen 3=203 orang). Berdasarkan komposisi tersebut, pemasar/petani kentang disarankan agar lebih mengarahkan strategi pemasarannya ke segmen 3. Untuk bawang merah, tiga peubah sosio-demografis (pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan pengeluaran) dan 13 peubah kriteria produk (kesegaran, kebersihan, nilai gizi, tidak mengandung residu pestisida, penampakan luar, tidak ada tanda busuk, harga, warna, aroma, label produk, produk lokal, produk impor, dan  kenyamanan tempat pembelian) berpengaruh nyata terhadap perbedaan karakteristik segmen konsumen bawang merah. Jumlah segmen konsumen bawang merah yang dianggap paling sensible ialah dua segmen (segmen 1=113 orang dan segmen 2=222 orang). Komposisi anggota klaster tersebut menyarankan kepada pemasar/petani bawang merah agar lebih mengarahkan strategi pemasarannya ke segmen 2. Untuk cabai merah, empat peubah sosio-demografis (pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengeluaran, dan frekuensi memasak sendiri) dan 11 peubah kriteria produk (kesegaran, rasa, kebersihan, nilai gizi, tidak mengandung residu pestisida, penampakan luar, tidak ada tanda busuk, harga, warna, label produk, dan kenyamanan tempat pembelian) berpengaruh nyata terhadap perbedaan karakteristik segmen konsumen cabai merah. Jumlah segmen konsumen cabai merah yang dianggap paling sensible ialah tiga segmen (segmen 1=152 orang, segmen 2=2 orang, dan segmen 3=181 orang). Komposisi anggota klaster tersebut menyarankan kepada pemasar/petani cabai merah agar lebih mengarahkan strategi pemasarannya ke segmen 3 dan 1. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu mempertimbangkan pencantuman peubah kriteria produk secara lebih terinci dan spesifik.The objective of this study was to identify market or consumer segments of potato, shallots, and hot peppers based on socio-demographic variables and the importance of product criteria. Consumer surveys were carried out in three big cities of vegetable main consumer in Indonesia i.e. Jakarta (DKI Jaya), Bandung (West Java), and Padang (West Sumatera) from June to September 2006. Respondents of these surveys were 335 potato, shallots, and hot peppers consumers who were randomly selected. Descriptive statistics, cross tabulations, and cluster analysis were used for data elaboration. Results show that for potato, two socio-demographic variables (education and expenditures) and 11 product criteria variables (freshness, taste, cleanliness, nutrient value, no pesticide-residue, appearance, no blemishes, price, packing, product label, and convenient purchasing place) were significantly contributing to the separation of the potato clusters. Three clusters are identified as the most sensible subgroup for potato consumer segments i.e. segment 1=120 cases, segment 2=12 cases, and segment 3=203 cases. Based on this composition, potato marketers/farmers were suggested to focus on segment 3 for implementing their marketing mix strategy. For shallots, three socio-demographic variables (education, employment, and expenditures) and 13 product criteria variables (freshness, cleanliness, nutrient value, no pesticide-residue, appearance, no blemishes, price, color, aroma, product label, local product, imported product, and convenient purchasing place) were significantly contributing to the separation of the shallots clusters. Two clusters were identified as the most sensible subgroup for shallots consumer segments i.e. segment 1=113 cases and segment 2=222 cases. Based on this composition, shallots marketers/farmers are suggested to focus on segment 2 for implementing their marketing mix strategy. For hot peppers, four socio-demographic variables (education, employment, expenditures, and self-cooking frequency), and 11 product criteria variables (freshness, taste, cleanliness, nutrient value, no pesticide-residue, appearance, no blemishes, price, color, product label, and convenient purchasing place) were significantly contributing to the separation of the hot peppers clusters. Three clusters were identified as the most sensible subgroup for hot peppers consumer segments i.e. segment 1=152 cases, segment 2=2 cases, and segment 3=181 cases. Based on this composition, hot peppers marketers/farmers were suggested to focus on segment 3 and 1 for implementing their marketing mix strategy. Further study needs to consider involving more detailed and more specific product criteria variables.