Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Flake Made from Corn (Zea mays L.), Mung Bean (Phaseolus radiatus) and Yellow Pumpkin LA3 (Cucurbita moschata) Flour.

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Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian
Flake can be made from corn flour (source of carbohydrate), mixed with mung bean flour (source of protein) and yellow pumpkin LA3 (source of vitamins). The best combination of corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3 can produce flake with good nutrition. The aim of the research was to characteristic and best ratio of flake made from corn corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3. This research was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) single factors with ratio of corn corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3 (80:15:5; 70:20:10; 60:25:15; 50:30:20 and 40:35:25), and repeated thrice each parameters. The results revealed that the proportions of corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3 influenced the color, texture, rehydration power, beta-carotene and water level of the resulting flake. Based on the effectiveness test of this research, the best flake proportion was obtained in P3 treatment that was flake with the variations of corn flour 60%, mung bean flour 25% and yellow pumpkin LA3 15%, had a lightness value of 62.38, texture of 347.34 g/mm, rehydration power of 30.79%, beta-carotene of 1.94 mg/100g, water level of 3.11%, ash content of 2.4%, protein content of 8.71%, fat content of 8.45 %, carbohydrate of 77.59%, total energy of 421.25 kcal/100gram, color preference value of 3.64 (neutral up to like), texture preference value of 4.08 (like), taste preference value of 3.60 (neutral up to like), aroma preference value of 3.64 (neutral up to like) and the whole preference value of 4.20 (like up to very like).
flake; corn flour; mung bean flour; yellow pumpkin LA3.