Efektivitas Starter Kering Bakteri Asam Laktat Terhadap Mutu Dadih Sapi Yang Dihasilkan

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Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian
Penyediaan starter kering bakteri asam laktat dalam pembuatan susu fermentasi mempunyai beberapa keunggulan antara lain mempermudah penanganan dan distribusi, menghindarkan kontaminasi, serta berdaya simpan relatif lebih lama. Salah satu jenis susu fermentasi tradisional lndonesia asli Sumatera Barat adalah dadih yang dibuat secara tradisional menggunakan susu kerbau tanpa starter. Ketersediaan susu kerbau yang makin terbatas perlu dicari alternatif penggantinya antara lain dengan susu sapi yang tersedia relatif melirnpah di beberapa wilayah Indonesia, dengan modifikasi susu skim dan agar-agar sebagai bahan pengisi untuk dapat menghasilkan dadih dengan karakteristik mirip dadih susu kerbau. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas starter kering bakteri asam laktat dengan metode pengeringan semprot (spray drying) melalui pengamatan karakteristik dadih susu sapi yang dihasilkan. Penelitian didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial, dengan faktor pertama adalah kombinasi starter kering BAL (A1= L. bulgaricus :L.casei (1:1); A2 = L. bulgaricus : L.casei (1:2), dan A3 = S. thermophillus: L. casei (1:2); dan faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi starter kering BAL (B1 = 2 g atau 4% b/v, dan B2 = 3 g atau 6% b/v ke dalam 150 mL susu hasil pemekatan), masing-masing diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dadih susu sapi terbaik adalah menggunakan starter kering kombinasi Streptococcus thermophilus : Lactobacillus casei = 1:2 sebanyak 6% b/v atau 3 g dengan karakteristik memiliki nilai total asam tertitrasi tertinggi (0,038%), kadar air terendah (77,11 %), viskositas yang baik (240,0 cP), total mikroba yang tinggi (1,5x I 011 cfu/mL), kadar protein sebesar 4,2%, dan kadar lemak sebesar 4,89%, dengan tingkat kesukaan yang lebih baik terhadap sensori warna dan rasa. Effectivity of Dried Starter of Lactic Acid Bachteria on the Quality of Cow's DadihUsage the dry starter of lactic acid bacteria for producing fermented milk has some advantages that are ease handling and distribution, avoid contamination, and prolong the storage time of product. One kind of traditional fermented milk in Indonesia original from West Sumatera is dadih which is made of traditionally by using buffalo milk spontaneous fermentation. The limited availability of buffalo milk needs are effort to substitute it, for example the usage of cow's milk which is abundant, modified by skim milk and agar as filler to provide raw material for dadih which has similar characters to buffalo's dadih. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of dry starter of lactic acid bacteria which is produced by spray drying method through the observation of the characteristic dadih of cow's milk produced. Design of research was factorial; the first factor were combination dry starter of lactic acid bacteria (three combinations: Lactobacillus bulgaricus : Lactobacillus casei (1:1); Lactobacillus bulgaricus : Lactobacillus casei (1:2), and Streptococcus thermophillus : Lactobacillus casei (1:2), and the second factor were concentration of dry starter of LAB (two levels of two g (4% w/v) and three g (6% w/v) into 150 mL concentrated cow's milk), each has three replicate. Results of research showed that cow's milk dadih using dry starter of combination of Streptococcus thermophilus Lactobacillus casei = 1:2 for 3 g (6% b/v), it was characterized by highest titrable acidity (0.038%), lowest water content (77.11%), viscosity similar to dadih (240.0 cP), high total microbes (1,5x I 011 cfu/mL), protein content of 4.2% and fat content of 4.89% with better of hedonic value of color and taste of product.
starter kering; bakteri asam laktat; dadih; susu sapi; dry starter; lactic acid bacteria; cow's milk.