Penetapan Media Tumbuhan dan Lamanya Pengujian Viabilitas Benih Jambu Mente

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Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan
Determination of germination substrate and testing period for the seed of cashewExperiment was conducted in 2 stages, determination of germination substrate and testing period. To get a suitable media for germination, 3 kind of media were assessed, i.e.: sand, soil and mixture of sand and soil (1 : 1). Seeds were collected from Yogja Merah population in Asembagus and Muktiharjo and were grouped in 4 lots differ in quality. The experimental design was a split-plot design with 4 replications, 200 seeds each. Seed lots were main plots and germination substrates were sub plots.Testing period was determined by taking 10 different seed quality lots and using the best medium from the first phase experiment. One hundred and fifty seeds from each lot were tested and each replication consisted of 50 seeds. Results showed that sand was the best medium and the testing period was 23 days.