ABSTRACT Feasibility Study on Integration of Sorghum Farming and Cattle on Dry Land in West Java. West Java has vast potential semi arid land but it has not been utilized optimally. One effort to optimize a land was by integrating crop and livestock. The assessment was carried out at Cimerak subdistrict, Pangandaran district, West Java Province in the period of 2013-2014. Assessment was conducted, using adaptive approach to the integration of sorghum and cattle. The introduced technology consists of sorghum varieties Numbu; terracing and planting grass on the border of the terraces; manure and dolomite; fertilization of urea, SP36, and KCl; settled cage systems; and sorghum wastes and concentrates (coconut cake, rice bran) as feed. The observed parameters consisted of: (1) the technical aspects of sorghum farming those were the growth components (plant height, nodes number, and stover weight); yield components (panicle length and dry seed weight per panicle); and productivity (stored dry grains), (2) the technical aspects of the cattle business those were the initial weight of cattle (kg) and the 2 months-weight of cattle (kg), and (3) the financial aspects those were the utilization of production facilities, the labor utilization, the price of sorghum grains and the beef price. The data analysis to determine the technical feasibility of sorghum and cattle farming used statistics inductive (t-test). Furthermore, the feasibility of economic asepect used the financial analysis including fariming income, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), and Marginal Benefit Cost Ratio (MBCR). The results of the assessment showed that the application of the introduced technology components on an integration of sorghum crop and cattle farming was able to increase productivity of sorghum by 21.46% and increased cattle’s bodyweight gain by 26.67%. This particular farming model showed feasible value of marginal benefit cost ratio (MBCR) by 2.025.Key words: farming, integration, sorghum, cow, dry landABSTRAK Jawa Barat memiliki potensi lahan kering yang relatif luas namun pemanfaatannya belum optimal. Salah satu upaya optimalisasi lahan kering tersebut yaitu dengan mengembangkan integrasi tanaman–ternak. Tujuan pengkajian adalah untuk menganalisis kelayakan usahatani integrasi sorgum dan sapi pada lahan kering. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Cimerak, Kabupaten Pangandaran, Provinsi Jawa Barat pada periode 2013-2014. Pengkajian menggunakan pendekatan adaptif integrasi sorgum dan sapi. Teknologi yang diintroduksikan terdiri dari sorgum varietas Numbu; terasering dan penanaman rumput di bibir teras; pupuk kandang dan dolomite; pemberian pupuk urea, SP36, dan KCl; sistem kandang koloni; dan pemberian pakan limbah sorgum serta konsentrat (bungkil kelapa dan dedak). Parameter yang diamati terdiri atas: (1) aspek teknis usahatani sorgum, yaitu komponen pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlah buku, dan berat berangkasan); komponen komponen hasil (panjang malai dan berat biji kering per malai); dan produktivitas (kering simpan), (2) aspek teknis usaha ternak sapi, yaitu  bobot awal sapi (kg) dan bobot sapi setelah berumur 2 bulan (kg),  dan (3) aspek finansial, yaitu: penggunaan sarana produksi, curahan tenaga kerja, harga biji sorgum, dan harga daging sapi. Analisis data untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknis usahatani sorgum dan ternak sapi menggunakan statistik induktif (Uji-t). Sementara itu, kelayakan secara ekonomi dilakukan dengan analisis finansial, yaitu pendapatan usahatani, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), dan Marginal Benefit Cost Ratio (MBCR). Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa secara teknis penerapan komponen teknologi pada usahatani tanaman sorgum dan usaha ternak sapi masing-masing mampu meningkatkan produktivitas sorgum 21,46% dan meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan sapi 26,67%. Model usahatani integrasi tanaman sorgum dan ternak sapi  menunjukkan nilai marginal benefit cost ratio (MBCR) 2,025.Kata kunci: usahatani, integrasi, sorgum, sapi, lahan kering