ABSTRAKUntuk memperoleh varietas yang sesuai di Indonesia telahdilakukan pengujian tiga varietas tembakau oriental, yaitu Zichna, XanthiYaka dan Izmir di Desa Rejuno, Dero (Kabupaten Ngawi) danMargomulyo (Kabupaten Bojonegoro). Tipe tanah ketiga desa tersebutberturut-turut adalah lempung, liat, dan lempung berdebu. Pengujiandilakukan pada tiga periode tanam tahun 2007 dan 2008. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa tipe tanah berpengaruh terhadap hasil dan indekstanaman, yang terbaik adalah tanah lempung seperti di Desa Rejuno.Berdasarkan hasil, indeks tanaman dan penilaian organoleptik, varietasyang terbaik adalah Zichna, hasilnya rata-rata 2,213 t/ha dan indekstanaman 91,66. Varietas tersebut menghasilkan sensasi iritasi dan impakrendah dan aroma sangat baik. Pada urutan berikutnya adalah varietasXanthi Yaka, hasilnya 1,742 t/ha, indeks tanaman 78,27. Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian tersebut maka kedua varietas tembakau oriental tersebut jugasesuai untuk rokok kretek di Indonesia. Keduanya sesuai ditanam pada tipetanah lempung atau tanah yang banyak mengandung kapur dan pasir.Kata kunci: Nicotiana tabacum L., tembakau oriental, varietas, IndonesiaABSTRACTProductivity and quality tests of three oriental tobacco varieties in IndonesiaThree oriental tobacco varieties were tested in villages of Rejuno,Dero (Ngawi regency), and Margomulyo (Bojonegoro regency) to find outsuitable variety to grow in Indonesia. Soil types of the three villages wereloam, clay, and silt loam, respectively. The tests were carried out for threeplanting series in 2007 and 2008. Research result showed that soil typesaffected several agronomic characters as well as yield and crop indices.The most suitable soil was silt loam as in Rejuno village. According toyield, crop index, and organoleptic evaluation, Zichna variety was the bestwith yield potential and crop index of 2.213 t/ha and 91.66.Organoleptically, the variety was low irritation and sensation impact andvery good in aroma. The second best variety was Xanthi Yaka with yieldpotential and crop index of 1.742 t/ha and 78.27. This research revealedthat Zichna and Xanthi Yaka varieties were suitable as raw material forclove cigarette. In addition, these two varieties were also well suited to begrown in Indonesia, especially on loamy and sandy soils with large amountof lime.Key words : Nicotiana tabacum L., oriental tobacco, variety, Indonesia