Pcrekayasaan instalasi pemanfaatan udara panas buang pada pengolahan daun tembakau Virginia menjadi krosok fc (flue-cured) telah dilaksanakan di Balai Penelitian lanaman lembakau dan Serat, Malang, Jawa Timur. Pengujian alal dilakukan di lombok Timur, Nusa Tcnggara Barat, pada musim panen antara bulan Agustus sampai dengan Oktober 2000 di sentra produksi tembakau Virginia Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung efisiensi penggunaan biaya bahan bakar sekaligus mengurangi subsidi bahan bakar minyak dari Pemerintah Konstruksi instalasi pemanfaatan udara panas buang terdii atas pipa penghubung (d~ 15.24 cm) dua oven dan blower 0 75 TK untuk mcngalirkan udara panas buang dari oven pertama ke oven kedua. Kapasitas oven pertama yang digunakan 3 547 kg, sedangkan oven kedua 2 617 kg daun lembakau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa. pemasangan instalasi udara panas buang dapat menekan konsumsi bahan bakar oven kedua 12 39% yaitu dari 1 352 liter minyak tanah tiap kg krosok menjadi 1.141 liter tiap kg krosok. Analisis ekonomi pada harga minyak tanah Rp 700/1 penggunaan alat tersebut belum memberikan keuntungan yang bcrati karena nilai rasio BC ■ 1.29. NPV ■ Rp 99 835 885 dan IRR - 52 73%, dibandingkan tidak memasang instalasi tersebut dengan nilai rasio BC 1.29, NPV Rp 98 547 176, dan IRR 52 78%. Namun bila harga minyak tanah Rp. 1 000/1 maka pemasangan instalasi udara panas buang membeikan nilai rasio BC 1.25, NPV Rp. 88 246 683 dan IRR -52 58%. lebih baik dibanding tidak memasang instalasi tersebut (rasio BC 1 24. NPV Rp. 85 977 099 dan IRR - 52 63%) Peluang keuntungan rclatif makin besar jika harga minyak lanah makin linggi. Keuntungan lain pemasangan instalasi ini adalah menekan subsidi bahan bakar minyak.Kata kunci : Nicotiana tabacum 1. , oven, instalasi udara, panas buang, mutu, aspek ekonomi ABSTRACTUtilization of waste heat-air installation in Virginia tobacco curingInstallation of me waste hcal-air utilization in Virginia tobacco curing to produce flue-cured tobacco has been conducted in Indonesian Tobacco and fiber Crops Research Institute. Malang, Indonesia. The equipment test was taken place in Virginia tobacco production centre. East lombok. West Nusa Tcnggara Province on harvesting-time between August and October 2000 Ihe result of the research was expected to suppot fuel efficiency, and decrease the government fuel-oil subsidiary. Construction of Ihe waste hcat- air installation consisted of connecting-pipe (d 15.24 cm) between two eunng-bams. and 0 75 HP blower for blowing the waste heat-air to the second cunng-barn The capacity of the irst curing-barn was 3 547 kg tobacco leaves and second curing-bam was 2 617 kg tobacco leaves. The results of the experiment showed that the installation of the waste hea(-air equipment could reduce 12.39% of fuel consumption of second curing-bam, from 1.352 I kerosene per kg to 1 141 I kerosene per kg of the cured leaves The economic analysis of the equipment al kerosene price Rp 700/1 was that equipment did nol give meaning-full benefit, because the value of B'C ratio 1.29, NPV Rp 99 835 885 and IRR 52.73%, compared to those without waste heal air installation, with BC ratio 1 29, NPV Rp. 98 547 176 and IRR 52.78%. Nevertheless al Rp I 000 1 kerosene price the installation of waste heal-air equipment gave the B'C ratio -1 25. NPV ■ Rp. 88 835 885 and IRR 52 58%, was better than those without equipment installation (BC ratio I 24. NPV Rp. 85 977 099 and IRR' 52 63%). Relative beneit chance would be beter if there was higher kerosene price. Ihe other benefit from the installation of Ihe equipment was to reduce government fuel subsidiary.Key words Nicotiana tabacum I... curing-bam. waste heat-air, installation, quality, economic aspect
Nicotiana tabacum I. ;oven;instalasi udara;panas buang;mutu;aspek ekonomi