Prevalansi Brucellosis Pada Sapi Bali Di KP Gowa dan Faktor Yang Berisiko ,Prevalence Of Brucellosis In Bali Cow In Gowa Kp And Risik Factors

.1BSTK4CT Tke oint oJ'this studf i.r lo clelermitte theprevalexce oJ'Bnttellosi.s on Bali cott1r ut Kp (]otn serological test utrcl the t.iskfirc.tor.;. 1R87'antl cFT) rw| perJalrnrcd on 124 Bali co'.ssLrorn 235 popttlcttiotr. c'hi-squnre anal.1,si,s wrts trsed to ttetennine the relation.shry rl age antl 'se.r trt Brtrce{lcr irt/bction. thei-eiult., shortecl that tlte pre,olence of. Rnc'ello'sis xrts i l?6svhic'h i.t cotegttri:etlas highprevulence. .4t'ctsrditrg kt..s,roti.stic,analt,"-is, (tge t;o.t si*n(icanrlt. nssocit*ted v'ilh BrucellQ infecliott, u'hile .se.u ulasn't asst.triaterl u,ith Biitceila ifiecliort
Brucellosis, prevalence, Bali cow