Indicator of Sensory Attributes of Specialty Coffee Originated from West Java Based on Biochemical Component

Assessing coffee sensory quality is generally carried out by panelists using cup testing with reference to the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) standards. A high level of sensitivity sensory is essential thus it must be done by trained panelists. Given the limitations of the method, a deeper study is required to obtain a standard of assessment of coffee sensory quality based on more reliable and precise analytical methods, one of which is biochemical components. This study was aimed to analyze the sensory quality and biochemical components of Arabica coffee and determine the indicators of sensory attributes based on those biochemical components. The study was conducted at two Arabica coffee-producing areas in West Java from May to September 2019. The biochemical components analyzed included caffeine, trigonelline, chlorogenic acid (CGA), sucrose, and lipid, while the sensory attributes assessed were aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, sweetness, clean cup, and overall. The survey method with stratified and simple random sampling was used and followed by Two-way Anova and Partial Least Square analysis. Results showed variations in the biochemical content of coffee from the two areas. Lipid has a positive correlation with the aroma and flavor attributes, and negatively correlated with the body attribute. Caffeine has a negative correlation with the aftertaste attribute, whereas CGA has a negative correlation with the acidity attribute. Correlation between biochemical components with sensory attributes showed that the biochemical content acts as an indicator of sensory attributes.
Penilaian kualitas sensori kopi pada umumnya dilakukan oleh panelis menggunakan metode cup testing berdasarkan standar Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Tingkat kepekaan yang tinggi dalam penilaian citarasa sangat dibutuhkan sehingga harus dilakukan oleh panelis terlatih. Dengan adanya keterbatasan pada metode tersebut, perlu dilakukan studi yang lebih mendalam untuk mendapatkan standar penilaian kualitas sensori kopi berdasarkan metode analitikal yang lebih andal dan presisi, salah satunya yaitu berdasarkan komponen biokimia. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis mutu sensori dan komponen biokimia kopi Arabika serta menentukan indikator atribut sensori berdasarkan komponen biokimia tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di dua daerah produsen kopi Arabika di Jawa Barat pada bulan Mei sampai September 2019. Komponen biokimia yang dianalisis antara lain kafein, trigonelin, asam klorogenat (CGA), sukrosa, dan lemak, sedangkan atribut sensori yang dinilai yaitu aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, sweetness, clean cup, dan overall. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan penentuan sampel secara stratified dan simple random sampling, yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis statistik Two-way Anova dan Partial Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya variasi kandungan biokimia yang berasal dari kedua daerah produsen kopi. Lemak memiliki korelasi positif dengan atribut aroma dan flavor, serta berkorelasi negatif dengan atribut body. Kafein memiliki korelasi negatif dengan atribut aftertaste, sedangkan CGA memiliki korelasi negatif dengan atribut acidity. Korelasi antara komponen biokimia dengan atribut sensori menunjukkan bahwa kandungan biokimia tersebut berperan sebagai indikator atribut sensori.
Altitude; correlation; Geographical Indications; Java Preanger coffee; quality; Sarongge coffe; taste, , Citarasa; Indikasi Geografis; kopi Java Preanger; ketinggian lahan; kopi Sarongge; korelasi; mutu,