ABSTRACT The Influence of Delaying Duration of Threshing and Threshing Methods on Grain Yield of Local Varieties of Rice “Karang Dukuh”. Problems related to harvest and postharvest in tidal land are usually related to the lack of technologies and labor for handling of threshing.  It caused for delaying of threshing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the delayed period and method of threshing on the yield losses, threshing, capacity, and grain quality of Karang Dukuh local rice varieties.  The study was conducted in the Village of Anjir Muara Kota Tengah, Barito Kuala distric of South Kalimantan from July to December 2012. A randomized factorial experimental design with three replications was used. The main factor was threshing delayed period, while the second factor was threshing methods. The study showed that yield losses and threshing capacity were influenced by the interaction duration of delayed threshing and threshing methods. Threshing capacity and grain quality such as percentage of empty grain, percentage of foreign materials, and percentage of cracking grain were influenced by threshing methods. While the percentage of broken grain was influenced by delayed threshing. Interaction of manual threshing and 1 day threshing delay gave the lowest value of losses (0.21%). The highest yield resulting from the interaction of power thresher with 1 day delayed (61.17%). Threshing capacity was affected by the method of threshing. The average capacity of power thresher was 333.58 kg/h while the manual method was 69.04 kg/h.  In general the quality of grain can be included in  quality class II based on SNI standards. Keywords : Paddy,  tidal land, postharvest, threshing,  grain qualityABSTRAK                 Permasalahan utama dalam penanganan panen dan pascapanen padi di lahan pasang surut adalah ketersediaan tenaga kerja serta keterbatasan teknologi perontokan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penundaan waktu perontokan. Tujuan kajian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penundaan perontokan dan cara perontokan terhadap susut perontokan, rendemen perontokan, kapasitas perontokan, serta mutu gabah kering giling (GKG) pada padi lokal varietas Karang Dukuh. Kajian dilakukan di Desa Anjir Muara Kota Tengah, Kabupaten Barito Kuala Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dari bulan Juli – Desember 2012. Rancangan percobaan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah waktu penundaan perontokan sedangkan faktor kedua adalah cara perontokan. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa susut perontokan dan rendemen perontokan dipengaruhi oleh interaksi perlakuan penundaan perontokan dan cara perontokan. Kapasitas perontokan serta mutu gabah seperti persentase gabah hampa/kotoran, persentase benda asing, dan persentase keretakan gabah dipengaruhi oleh cara perontokan. Persentase butir kuning/rusak dipengaruhi oleh penundaan perontokan. Interaksi perontokan manual dan waktu penundaan 1 hari memberikan nilai susut paling rendah yaitu 0,21%. Rendemen perontokan tertinggi dihasilkan dari interaksi power thresher dengan penundaan 1 hari yaitu 61,17%.  Kapasitas perontokan dipengaruhi oleh cara perontokan. Rata-rata kapasitas perontokan dengan power thresher sebesar 333,58 kg/jam, sedangkan perontokan manual 69,04 kg/jam. Secara umum mutu gabah yang dihasilkan tergolong kelas mutu dua berdasarkan standar mutu SNI. Kata kunci : Padi, pasang surut, pascapanen, perontokan, mutu gabah